Are we sopposed to be dead???

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Annabeths pov

      "You were sopposed to ask about the three of them, not just percy"Nico shouted/wisperd. "Where ever Percy goes Annabeth and Piper would probaly be there too"Thaila wisperd back. I couldn't tell what they're feeling were, if they were lying, or were being honest. "Why are you looking for him?"Percy asked. "They were forced out a couple years ago and us three been looking for them"Will stated. "Why were they forced out" I asked. I honestly knew I just wanted to see what theyre true actions were.
      "We honestly don't know" Nico asked. "There dead"Percy stated solemly. They all looked crest fallen. I swear I saw Percy smirk under neath his Mask. Percy keeps geting darker an darker, I swear. "Ar-are you sure, we just want to know what happened" Thaila said. I punched Percy on the arm before he could talk and  said, " Meet us at Zues fist tonight and we will tell you what they said and where they are". "Why did you tell us they're dead if they're not dead?"Will asked. Percy turned to me and said, "yeah why would we saw tell them they're alive when theyre obvioulsly not". I glared at him even though he couldn't see it, "We will explain it tonight". They nodded and ran off Percy stormed off too.
       "What's your problem!" I shouted at him after a whole silent treatment till the cabin. I didnt mean to involve the other warrirors except for Charles and Selina but they chose to sit they're. "I don't have a problem" Percy said taking his hood, mask, and cloak off. I did the same but didn't let him sneak off to the boys room. "Then why did you say 'Theyre dead' so quick, you crushed they're hearts" I shouted. "I don't care and you shouldn't either, they are the reason we had to leave" Percy shouted back. " yes, maybe they were, but you should of forgiven them like me and Piper did" I told him, not really wanting to angrier the son of Chaos anymore. "You guys could forgiven them but I never will, they made me leave the one place I loved, everyone at this camp did" Percy said deadly calm. "We still promised to talk to them tonight" I told him grabbing his hand in mine. He pulled it away and told me, deadly calm," you promised not me, I'm done with this place". He stormed away into the Boys room.
        "What the Chaos, was that about?" Piper asked coming up next to me. I slowly exsplained our meet and great with Thaila, Will, and Nico earlier.  Luke shook his head and stood up," I'll go talk to him". He walked off into the boys room. "I shood come too" Piper said. I thought about it, I did make sense. "Sure, thats if we can get Percy to go". Piper nodded and sat back down on the couch. I guess we just have to wait for Luke to get Percy to come out.

Sorry that ive been holding of on writing for a little bit.
Anyways next chapter will have a big, lukexPercy bonding experience.

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