Chapter 11 - Love

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TW: Pov's switch a lot in this chapter (sorry) but it's for more detail.


We reached the top deck, where our date was gonna happen. I decided to take her on a yacht. It was perfect. She was perfect. She looked beautiful.

I loved everything about her. From the way her lips parted when she was shocked, the way her doe eyes brightened when she was happy, when she batted her eyelashes whenever she wanted something or how she pouted her beautiful soft pink lips whenever she was sad, her contagious smile, the way she giggled when she was happy, the way she would moan my name whe- nevermind and how she would raise her one eyebrow when she was curious about something I love it all. Her imperfections were all perfection in my eyes.

I'm in love with her. I have been for the past 6 years. I've known her for six years and I wish she had known that bit of information to but all that matters now is that she's here with me.

Chase had helped me organise the whole thing. I had been taking Liyah out on dates every week for the past month and a half most of them ended in sex but you get what I mean. This time it was going to be special and that's why I bought a yacht just for this date. I have a surprise planned.

We walked hand in hand to the table that was on the deck of the yacht. It was gold and rose gold colours only. That's why I chose that dress for her. I didn't wanna use that colour but I decided to dress up different and of course I carried two guns in my waist band but it wasn't visible.

"You did all this for me?" She said looking at me with star bright eyes.

"Of course, who else would I do this for?" I smiled at her. She looked at me with wide eyes. She looked happy.

I pulled the chair for her to sit down and she sat. We both ate our dinner and now it was time.


The decorations were beautiful. There were gold string lights around the edges of the yacht giving the place a beautiful lighting.

His hazel-green eyes were shinning like emeralds. I lov- no I don't. I've only known him for only 2 months. It doesn't make sense. I really really like him... But.

Fuck it.

I'm in love with him.

I'm fucking in love with Jayson Averto. There's no denying it now but what if he doesn't love me back..


I had one of my staff from work that wanted extra money to come and help with the surprise. I had set up fireworks.

"Liyah c'mon" I said standing up from my seat. She stood up and I walked towards her putting my hands around her waist. We walked to edge of the boat. She held onto the railing, I watched as the soft breeze hit her making her hair lift behind her. Her lips parted and her eyes grew as she watched the waves clashing eachother.

The fireworks were going to go off in exactly thirty seconds and it will be midnight. She looked lost in her thoughts. I walked up behind her and checked my watch 10 seconds..

I held onto her waist and buried my head in her neck giving her soft kisses. I looked at the sky 5 seconds... "Look up" I said and she looked immediately. Her eyes lighted up at the sight of the colourful fire work in the sky.

"Jayson...." She turned around looking at me. I held a necklace in my hand it had my initial on it and I already had mines on my neck with her initial.


I looked at the dark water clashing around us. "Look up" I heard Jayson say holding onto my waist breaking the kisses he was planting on my neck. I look up to see fireworks spelling out Will you be my girlfriend? It was all colourful and bright.

I turned around and looked at him holding a necklace in his hand with the initial J on it. My eyes darted to the necklace on his neck with the initial A on it. I felt my eyes gloss up as he walked towards me. I was so happy. I wish this moment could last forever. I wanted to stop the time and saviour this moment.

He stood in front of me holding the necklace tightly in his hands.
"Aliyah Liana Lev  will you be my girlfriend? " He said looking into my eyes. I parted my lips to say something and a tear slipped down my face.

Tears of  joy

"Yes" I blurted out. He walked towards me cupping my face in his hands and kissing me slowly and passionately.


"Yes" the words slipped out of her mouth. A smile grew on her face and mines to. I was the happiest I could ever be at this moment. Even though she was my girlfriend before, it felt different this time. It was more meaningful and had more emotion.

I cupped her beautiful face in my hands and kissed her slowly and passionately wanting to saviour the moment. She said yes. She said fucking yes.

"Liyah.." one kiss. She hummed in the kiss in response.

"I" another kiss.

"Love" another kiss

"You' I said pecking her lips with kisses after each word. I looked at her, mesmerized. I didn't expect her to say it back all I knew was that I had to get it off my chest and tell her. She needed to know and I needed to tell her.

I turned her around and put the necklace on her neck. It looked so beautiful on her. She looked at me shocked with wide eyes. I watched as she opened her mouth to say something and then stopped. I frowned a little. It's sad to know she doesn't love me, even though she did I'm sure she still has those feelings from everything she's been telling me but it would be nice to hear her say it again. I know she likes me but there's a difference between
like and love.

"I love you to...'"she what?

She loves me back?

She said it

She fucking said it.


They said they love eachother! FINALLYYYYY.  I've been waiting to write the chapter before this and this chapter for sooo long. Finally I got the chance to.

They're finally dating again...

Spoiler for next chapter: Bang

Idk why I just wanted to.

Also I made a new book cover  I'm going to put it but idk whether I should use it or not for a period of time ♥️

Also I made a new book cover  I'm going to put it but idk whether I should use it or not for a period of time ♥️

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