Chapter 21- Chase

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It's been a week since the mission
and it was very successful except for one thing.

My brother was missing.


Me and Aliyah just returned home from the mission. Everyone hasn't come home yet for some odd reason.

I listened as Liyah screamed her guts out while singing in the shower. She had a very melodious voice, I could listen to it all day if I had the chance too

We decided too go to the club at midnight too celebrate the success of the mission. I was just waiting for the others to return so we could inform them.

"Aliyah?" I heard a voice shout from downstairs. It was Kade. I quickly ran down the stairs and saw Kade, Ashor and Luca standing at the doorway. "Where's the rest?" Luca asked looking around.

"I'm wondering that too" I said siding my hand in my hair. I was starting to get worried now. Its been half an hour since the mission ended and they haven't returned.

"Have you called them?" Ashor asked as he sat down on the couch. Why didn't I think of that?

I picked up my phone and called Chase it rang a few times before someone answered but it wasn't Chase. It was Jemma..

"Jayson... They took him" she said breathing heavy and talking fast.

"Slow down and explain" I said attempting to calm her down.

"They took Chase. I don't know who it was but they just barged in here as me and Chase were walking out. We tried to fight them but there was too many and the guards we had were already gone. They hit the back of his head with a gun and dragged him away. I tried to stop them but I failed.
I'm...sorry" she said breaking down into tears.

"Don't worry and just get home with the others, immediately" I said cutting the call.

~End of flashback~

We've been searching every corner of the city and we haven't found him yet. The Japanese Mafia was gone and vanished into thin air so they were off the checklist.

The only people we had trouble with now is the Italian Mafia. I had caused a war with them a few years ago when I mistakenly shot the brother of the leader, Vincenzo De Luca.

I've been waiting for a long time for their attack but I didn't expect Vincenzo to attack my brother I thought he would go for something less obvious but turns out I was wrong.

He was there at the ball and I caught him glaring at me a few times but I never thought anything of it. He was planning something and I knew it.

They might have abducted him but I'm not hundred percent sure they did. There's alot of people out there who envy my Mafia, so there's alot of possibilities.

I couldn't have him missing. As much as he was my brother, he was also second in command for the Mafia.

My men had said they never saw him leave the place, everyone was too busy fighting. I ordered some guards to be outside the venue where the ball took place just incase anything suspicious goes on there.

Aliyah had an alliance with the Italians but they wouldn't give any information to her because they saw us together at the ball and they know she has an alliance with me.

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