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"What do you think, bud? You think she'll say yes? I mean... Look at me! Am I worthy of her yes? You get me here, man?" Lisa rambled on. She sipped from her coffee cup and heaved a deep sigh. "I really think I'm still not enough..." she breathes.

She looked at the person beside her and smiled as she found him staring back at her.

"What? You think I'm crazy huh?" she asked. But maybe she really is crazy. "I dunno, man. You think I can do it?" she asked again before looking at the open field in front of her.

It's a Saturday and they were at a park doing what they both love. People watching. Every Saturday, the duo would walk to the park eating ice cream and drinking coffee while telling how their week went as they watch the different people going about the park just like them. It was mostly Lisa who talks since her other half was mostly just a good listener than a talker but despite of that, Lisa didn't mind. She can actually tell the other anything and everything under the sun or ramble on about something she's anxious about - just like what she's doing now - or they just both sit there at their usual bench and just cherish the comfortable silence. Lisa will never trade this for anything.

"I have everything planned out already, you know? I think I've shown you the place as well. But as the day comes, I feel like it will be just another one of my collection of rejection. You know? Like, it will be displayed at the center to get everyone's attention as to how much of a failure I am. I'm just scared of  being rejected again..." she said. She looked at the other person again and found him watching her with those big brown eyes as if she holds all the wonders in the world, despite her feeling the opposite about herself. She chuckled when he gave her his infamous grin and ruffled his hair. "Who am I kidding? I'm talking to a 2-year old boy who only knows how to make bubbles out of his saliva."

"Chocho!" the little man said.

"Alright, buddy. We'll get that chocolate ice cream cake you love more than me then we'll head home."

Upon the mere mentioning of the said dessert, the little man raised his chubby arms up to her so she could carry him. He wrapped his arms around her neck as he nuzzled his head on her shoulder. Lisa kissed his forehead and they walked to the ice cream parlor by the park's exit before heading home.

The Only One (JENLISA - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now