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It's been three weeks since their weekend getaway and Lisa was back in Jeju to attend another meeting with her client, Mr. Choi. She was a little bit early than the designated time so she told Mr. Choi that she will just be roaming around Jeju for a while. She refused to accept the room her client offered to book for her because she promised Jennie that she will be home before dinner time. Jennie didn't want her rushing her work but Lisa insisted that she can make it back home on time. So now, she is at the mall roaming around to entertain herself for an hour before the meeting.

She was walking around, glancing at a few shops when something caught her eye. She walked towards the shop and was greeted immediately by the staff.

"Good morning, anything you find interesting?" the clerk asked.

"Yeah. Uhm... What's this for?" she asked as she points at an apparatus by the display shelves. It was the same one she saw by the window that drew her attention.

"Oh. This is a personal monitor. It's a fetal doppler where you can wear as a fanny pack and then you can monitor the activity inside the tummy. Are you expecting?"

"Yeah... My girlfriend is 22 weeks pregnant..." she smiled at the image of Jennie and her growing tummy. The clerk smiled at her and picked up the portable machine.

"You can actually hear the baby's heartbeat with this." the clerk said.

"Really?!" Lisa asked, excitement evident in her voice. "I-I mean, his heartbeat has been my ringtone and I always ask my girlfriend and my friends to call me every so often so that I can hear it but... You're telling me that when I buy this, I can listen to our baby's heartbeat anytime I want?"

"Yes. This is actually recommended for first time moms. Especially those who were struggling with their pregnancies. This somehow puts them at ease especially when they can hear the steady beat of their babies heartbeat inside the womb. We do have a dummy where we can try this on so that you can see how it functions. Would you like to give it a go?"

"Yeah sure." Lisa nods and she follows the clerk to the testing area where a pregnant dummy was located. The clerk attached the doppler to the dummy's belly like a fanny pack and turned it on. Lisa listened carefully as the clerk explains to her the different function the doppler can do. She was also given the opportunity to try the buttons on it so she can confirm what functions they represent. When she was satisfied, she smiles and says, "I'll take one."

"Thank you for purchasing, ma'am. We have a free gift for your little one. I hope you and your girlfriend will have a healthy baby." the clerk said as she hands the paperbag over along with her credit card. Lisa smiled when she saw the free stuffed animal they placed inside the bag along with the boxed item she bought.

"Thank you so much." she replied.

Lisa couldn't wait to come home to her girlfriend.


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