Jennie and Lisa

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Jennie was currently reading baby books in their home office when she heard Lisa arrived home

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Jennie was currently reading baby books in their home office when she heard Lisa arrived home. She was waiting for the usual energetic greeting she gets from her girlfriend but instead, the door opened revealing a very tired-looking Lisa.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jennie asked and Lisa just walked groggily towards her. She took Jennie's hand and led them to the couch where Lisa sat and pulled Jennie on her lap. "Baby, what happened?" Jennie asked again.

"Migraine." was all Lisa said as she buries her face against Jennie's chest. "I feel like my head's gonna fall off any minute now."

"Did you drive your bike back home?" Jennie asked worriedly as she tries to massage Lisa's head softly. She has been on maternity leave already so Lisa usually uses her bike again to go to and from work since it is faster and more convenient than using her car and being stuck in traffic. Well actually, another reason is that Lisa really misses riding her precious bike. She hasn't driven it ever since Jennie came back and when Jennie finally filed for her maternity leave, Lisa took that as an opportunity to finally be with her precious Ducati.

"No... I called Bam to drive it here for me. Jisoo drove me home." Lisa mumbled. Jennie kissed her head and continued her ministrations. She felt Lisa's tensed muscles slowly relaxing while the Thai is still buried in her chest, her arms around her waist. "Hmm... I missed you two today."

"I know, love. We missed you too." Jennie said. "Can you stand up? Let's get you to bed so you can rest. I'll wake you up in an hour for dinner so you can take your medicines."

Lisa allowed Jennie to drag her to their bedroom. She let Lisa sit on the edge of the bed as she rummages through their closet to get her comfy clothes. She assisted her girlfriend in changing into a muscle shirt -- which was actually just Lisa's old PE shirt wherein she cut the sleeves off -- and her SNU sweatpants.

"Go lie down." she said and Lisa obliged, snuggling into the soft pillows.

"Hug." Lisa said as she weakly raises an arm. Jennie smiled and went in to snuggle her girlfriend. She kissed Lisa's hair and combs them with her fingers, scratching and massaging her scalp and temple in the process. "How's your day?"

"Good. I just finished video calling Ella before you arrived. She wanted me to help her with her homework and eomma wanted to catch up as well. After that, I had the time to read a few stories from the baby book we bought at the flea market last Saturday."

"And appa?"

"He's at work still. So I just texted him to give him the same update I told eomma and Ella."

She watched Lisa smile and nod. Ever since her graduation day two weeks ago, Jennie and her family have been closer than ever. Especially with the little one on the way.

"Baby..." Jennie coos as she finger combs Lisa's bangs and the Thai draws patterns on her back.


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