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"Is everything in here already, babe?" Lisa asked as Jennie went out of the apartment to join her in the hallway with their bags

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"Is everything in here already, babe?" Lisa asked as Jennie went out of the apartment to join her in the hallway with their bags.

"Yes, love. I double checked everything and we're all set." Jennie said.

"Okay. Let's go, babe. Chaeng and Jisoo are already outside waiting." she took hold of Jennie's hand on her right hand while her other hand carries their bags for the trip.

It was early Saturday morning and they're now on their way to Busan for the Lees' ground breaking ceremony for the beach house and also their mini weekend getaway. It's a one hour flight from Seoul to Busan and it was a good thing that Dr. Lee gave Jennie a travel pass to ride the plane. Busan is a four-hour drive and they don't want to spend almost half of their day in the car that's why they opted to book a flight instead. Chaeyoung booked a car rental service so they will still have a car for when they finally arrive in Busan.

"Hurry up you two or we're gonna be late!" Chaeyoung said as they emerged from the apartment building's front doors.

They decided to use the company car to take them to the airport instead of their own cars. Saerom, their company driver, was the one driving the van for them.

"Good morning, Ar. Manoban and Ms. Kim." the guy greeted as he bowed his head and opened the back door of the van. Saerom has been the firm's driver since they started it. He was actually Jisoo's family driver but her parents wanted them to take him as their firm's driver since the Kim family has 2 more and since it was Saerom who has been driving for Jisoo since she was a kid. He's also very familiar with the four since ever since they became friends, Saerom has driven them to some of their trips when they still didn't have their driver's licenses.

"Hey, oppa. How's the wife?" Lisa asked. She ushered Jennie inside before she put their bags in the compartment.

"The wife is great. She's still at home taking care of the baby."

"Well, tell her my regards." Lisa smiled. The guy smiled back and nods his head.

When everything is settled, they all went on their way to the airport for their Busan trip.


"Ah yes... Busan..." Jisoo takes in a deep breath as she went out of the airplane. "I am so excited to get to bed and just sleep until tomorrow!"

"Babe, we still need to attend the ground breaking ceremony." Chaeyoung reminded her girlfriend. Jisoo huffed at the thought and just nodded.

"Are Jisoo and Chaeng part of your team for this project, love?" Jennie asked Lisa who was now holding her hand in hers.

"No, baby. But since the three of us are the founders of CLC & Associates and also the Lees' friends, they were also invited to the ceremony." Lisa replied and kissed the back of Jennie's hand. "My team's flight arrived an hour before us and they're all at the site to prepare the place." Jennie then nodded and they walked in a comfortable silence down the plane and into the airport to retrieve their bags.

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