Slow Progress is Progress

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It's been two weeks since the day Jennie watched the twins for Irene and all Irene tells her was how the twins wanted to play with Lisa and how they missed their Aunt Jennie and Aunt Jennie's girlfriend

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It's been two weeks since the day Jennie watched the twins for Irene and all Irene tells her was how the twins wanted to play with Lisa and how they missed their Aunt Jennie and Aunt Jennie's girlfriend. Irene kept giving her the teasing look and Jennie just shakes her head at her friend's antics.

"You know, I've been thinking about how you managed to live with Lisa without getting attracted to her. I mean, the videos of the twins cuddling with her that time and even the photos you took secretly of them showed how beautiful your friend is. And she seems nice too since she helped you with my kids. It wasn't even her responsibility and yet she decided to help you out. Are you sure she's just really your ex-bestfriend?" Irene asked.

It was lunch time and they both were in their respective classes that morning and decided to get lunch at a nearby restaurant since their classes will resume right after lunch.

"Yes, Irene. She's just really my ex-bestfriend." Jennie said as she takes a bite of her meatball spaghetti. Irene tore a piece of her garlic bread and wiped it on the alfredo sauce on her plate before she took it in her mouth. She looked at Jennie skeptically and the younger one just raised an eyebrow at her. "What?"

"You're not telling me something. Come on, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim. Spill it."

"There's nothing to tell!" she said exasperated. "We don't even talk that much at her apartment before. I mean... We talk but not much."

"And why is that?"

"Because I know she's still angry with me. She and I are civil okay? We don't talk like when we were still bestfriends. We're not like how we were before."

"Well, we've talked about that before. But I still feel like you're hiding some details from me. Come on Jennie, out with it. I want the full story now."

Jennie knows that she won't get away with this. Especially since ever since Irene became her friend, the older brunette always makes it a point to dish her out when she's not telling her the whole story. And she hates how Irene knows her so much. She heaved a deep breath and put her fork down before she spoke.

"I met Lisa in sophomore high school. She was a new student that time and was always bullied because of her being Thai. The first time I saw her, I already thought that she's a very nice person. She's actually afraid of making friends because she wasn't that fluent in Korean and because bullies have been making her life a living hell. So one time, Jisoo, our other friend, and I saw her at the field being swarmed by bullies. She looked so fragile and small and I just couldn't take it anymore. Jisoo and I have always hated bullies. So we took it upon ourselves to save her from them and that was how we all started being friends. Jisoo and I taught her how to speak Korean fluently and she taught us phrases in Thai. We were inseparable along with her cousin Rosé. And the bullies have subside because we never left her side. Lisa and I started getting closer this one time. We were dance partners for our PE class and that was when I learned how amazing she was as a dancer. It was like she was born to do it. So we started hanging out without Jisoo and Rosé because we had to learn different dances for the whole school year and she was more than willing to help and teach me. We became close that we became each others bestfriends. She started opening up to me bit by bit although I know that what she told me were only the things she wanted me to know and not the deeper side of them. She told me about her life in Thailand and the people she left there. She told me about all the places that I should see in Thailand and the food I could eat and when their family decided to spend summer there, she and Chaeyoung took Jisoo and I with them. And then on her 18th birthday, she went home alone in Thailand to spend it with her friends. I wanted to come with her but sadly, I still had exams to finish by that time. You see, Lisa is a genius. She usually takes her exams earlier than us or sometimes she gets exempted. And that time, she was exempted from all final exams so she decided to celebrate her birthday back home. And since we weren't going to celebrate it together, I surprised her with a song..." Jennie paused as she remembers that particular day. How she activated her world clock to Bangkok time so that she would be able to greet Lisa a Happy Birthday at exactly 12mn in Bangkok. How she pleaded Chaeyoung to teach her how to play the piano especially Lisa's favorite song and how she baked Lisa's favorite chocolate cake with yellow frosting and smiley sprinkles with sparkling candles even though Lisa won't be able to taste it. How she dragged Jisoo in Myeongdong to look for that perfect gift where she had the jeweler engraved the Thai and Korean scriptures for the words, "Always" and "Together"

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