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"You're what?!" the husband, Klahan, asked his wife.

"I'm pregnant." his wife, Chirawan, replied. She was ecstatic the moment she saw the two lines on the pregnancy test.

"Are you sure?" Klahan asked. Chirawan looked at her husband as if he grew two heads.

"A-aren't you happy?" she asked as her hands automatically wrapped themselves over her still flat tummy as if protecting her baby.

"I don't know... We're still young and we still don't even have enough money to fend ourselves and now you're telling me you're pregnant?!" Klahan started panicking over the fact that what his wife told him is true. He's not ready. He just graduated from college as an engineer and his wife is still on her last year of nursing and he knows that they're just not ready.

"Well, whether you like it or not I will push through with my baby." Chirawan said as tears flow down her eyes. Klahan saw how much his wife has already fallen in love with the fetus inside of her.

"H-have you seen the doctor yet? You know your condition, Chirawan. I-I just don't want to lose you."

"I have and he has given me the needed medicines that is safe during my pregnancy. You won't lose me, Klahan. But if you will not support me and my child then that's the time that you'll lose not just me but our baby too."

With what Chirawan said, Klahan made the decision to support her despite his inner conflicts. He knows that Chirawan's heart condition may lead to complications during her pregnancy. And he might lose her when the time comes but he can't lose her now even though all he wanted to say was to give up on the child so that she can live longer.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you to suffer because you know how your pregnancy can affect your heart condition."

"I know you're just concerned about me but I can do this. I can have the baby and I can live longer to see her grow up. Please, Klahan. This baby is your child too..." she cried. "I love this baby and I hope you can grow to love them too."

So he did. He tried loving the baby for his wife. He worked hard so that he can support everything that his wife needs and he made himself believe that his wife will survive this pregnancy.


Chirawan died giving birth to her baby. Because she has an existing heart condition even before her pregnancy, while she was delivering the baby via cesarean section, her blood pressure went uncontrollably high causing her to die of cardiac arrest. The doctors tried their best to save both mother and child but they were only able to save the latter. It was devastating for everyone at the operating room because Chirawan was one of their best intern nurses. They all feel like they failed her not just as her colleagues but also as her friends.

When they finally had the baby cleaned and dressed they searched for her father to deliver both the good and the bad news.

"How's my wife?" Klahan asked as soon as the doctors got out of the operating room.

"I'm sorry... We tried everything but her heart condition worsen during the operation and she had a cardiac arrest. We're very sorry, Mr. Suriya." was all the doctor could say.

"A-and the baby?" he started crying, thinking about the love of his life.

"The baby is alive and well. She's being taken back to the Nursery. Would you like to see her?" the other doctor said.

"I-I..." he was devastated as to why the child was alive but not his wife. He walked away from the doctors and didn't turn back around despite hearing them calling after him.

He ran outside the hospital and only stopped when he couldn't feel his legs and his lungs burn from all the running he did. He stopped at a park where there are no other people around. He sniffed and walked towards the field and screamed his lungs out.

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