Dear Diary,
Today I saw you across the bend
And realized our story was yet to end
It's had obstacles, tricks and conflicts of course
Whispering to each other until our voices go hoarse
We've shed tears of laughter and tears of hurt
Feeling like our problems were smaller then dirt
But alas, the world caught up with us
And the dreams of forever were hit by a bus
But today when I saw you standing there
Looking smiley with your uncombed hair
I knew that I was instantly winning
Because this was not the end, but just the beginning

Letters From The Unhealed - POETRY
PoetryLetters to the ones I love, the ones I used to love, and the ones I haven't loved yet. From an unhealed soul. Letters from the Unhealed explores my personal young adult journey through poetry. Ever since the day I turned 18 the world seemed to hav...