Entry Fifty Nine

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Dear Diary,

It hurts so bad. I gave you my all.
while you whispered about my unprecedented fall
Yet, in a blink of an eye, i would pick up your call.
but why should i return to what made me feel small?

Why would i go back to your jealousy fits?
someone who hisses, howels , and hits
Always comparing our young teenage hips,
nothing but negativity ever came from your lips.

I'm tired of wasting brain space on this shell-
of a human being that put me through hell.
Maybe last year you laughed as i fell.
but now you no longer have anyone to tell.

I wish you what you truly deserve.
what is that you may ask?
That's for you to observe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2024 ⏰

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