Dear Diary,
It's been a while since i've poked the stinger
and boy have i been through the ringer
mean guy after mean guy after one-another
what happened to good guys where is their mother?
because lately every boy has told me i'm not enough
And no they don't see it as a lie or a bluff
they truly see me as distasteful and ordinary
if only they could see i'm as unique as a fairy
so no matter what i do, what i say, how i speak
i cant win over any man who is weak.
Letters From The Unhealed - POETRY
PoetryLetters to the ones I love, the ones I used to love, and the ones I haven't loved yet. From an unhealed soul. Letters from the Unhealed explores my personal young adult journey through poetry. Ever since the day I turned 18 the world seemed to hav...