Dear Diary,
I think it's time to focus on me
Saying no to coffee and yes to tea
Because my body is a sacred space
Constantly fighting a rapid race
Yet I don't give it the love it needs
The love a child has to have to succeed
We are all taught to act tough and be strong
Ignore our dire needs if they are considered 'wrong'
And now i'm left weak and frailer then ever
All because I was too scared to never say never
So listen closely, and take my advice
Take care of yourself, and NEVER think twice

Letters From The Unhealed - POETRY
PoésieLetters to the ones I love, the ones I used to love, and the ones I haven't loved yet. From an unhealed soul. Letters from the Unhealed explores my personal young adult journey through poetry. Ever since the day I turned 18 the world seemed to hav...