Dear Diary,
The things I would do to get him off my mind
All the places i would go and things i'd find
Yards or miles no distance is too far
To rid this pain that will leave an ugly scar
Truly sometimes I wish i could just forget
Walk past each other and pretend we've never met
Go about our lives like we don't have a clue
All so I don't beat myself black and blue
Now I'm alone, and i don't know where to go
Cant move too fast but won't move too slow
Maybe it's time for me to finally move on
Until I see your face again, in the morning at dawn

Letters From The Unhealed - POETRY
PoesieLetters to the ones I love, the ones I used to love, and the ones I haven't loved yet. From an unhealed soul. Letters from the Unhealed explores my personal young adult journey through poetry. Ever since the day I turned 18 the world seemed to hav...