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I pulled my pay check out the atm. Does feel good to have a stack of cash. I put it in a bag and walked. I passed by an alley way.

"Wait! Your Dabis friend right!" I looked at him and nodded.

"What's it to you?" I asked putting a mask on and looking at him. "N-nothing! It's just he said that your liquor is amazing! He's thinking of changing bars which is rare!"

Is this his plan? Get his little gang friends to go into the vip room to do cocaine..

"I can give you a lift, my cars parked on the other side of the alley way."

I nodded. "So are you close with Dabi?" He asked.

"Not really."

"Look who's here! The slutty pansy." A man said. Shit..that's the man who pointed a gun to my chin.

"What's it to you?" I said looking down at him.

"Thought we'd have a little chat with you about Dabi and his funny business." He looked like a maniac.

"Well your his special friend! You must know! He killed 2 of the top men in our gang. He framed it as an accident. The fucking asshole! We cant have police involved..but it doesn't mean we will sit quiet..!"

He went to punch me. I dodged and threw him to the floor. The buff one went to go choke me. He had me in a good lock but I threw him onto the other one and picked his gun up. I pointed it at the man.

"Do you even know how to handle that?" I smirked.

"I've known for years. All you need to do is pull the trigger." I pointed it at him.


I was hit in the head by one of the other members.




Freezing cold water woke me up. "How ya feeling!" He smiled.

"We just wanna check out, all the places your little 'friend' has touched you." He put gloves on.

He sat on my thighs. "You want a piece of my ass? Try me out, then I'll tell you how good you are."

Learn to use me like this time.

I see what he means..

I humped his ass by just. "No funny business bitch!" He punched the slide of my cheek.

If they let their guard down for one second..I could get out of this..

"When Daiki finds out his pretty boy did him dirty.. What will he say?" He snickered while pulling down my pants.

"Not a good plan. Especially because I don't run drug errands for him." He stopped.

"What?! What's your job then!" I smirk.

"Why.. Isn't it obvious? To satisfy him. You should use excuses for him when he gets here."

"I'll show you excuses!" He yelled. He thrusted 2 fingers into my ass. My back arched as my body tensed. Shit!

"While we're at it can I get somebody to ride me as well?" I smirked.

"Shut the fuck up and sit still you freak! We ain't playing here!" He punched my face. It was pretty messed up.

"Still think your boyfriend is going to save you!? He shoots peoples brains out before they can finish talking! You shouldn't be trusting him."

Of course I don't trust him. He's a villain. He burnt my wings off. He lied to me..he's tried to kill me. That's all I know him as. I don't know the real Dabi or if this is him.

"Let me tell you a small something I learnt in this business. Whenever you see something with your own eyes, good or bad. You won't stop seeing it. You won't forget it and you won't go back! You see it in your sleep! So I'm beyond caring now. You just keep watching. And see what we do to you." My eyes widened as he lifted my shirt and took my cock out. He began to rub it.


"Oh right, we dosed you with a little something! Once it gets pumping in your blood, you'll feel reaal good." He smiled.

"AAAGH!" A scream was in the distance. "What the fuck was that!"

I ripped the ties off and punched his face. The other man grabbed him. "How'd he break free! I thought you drugged him!" He yelled.

"I did! I shoved it down his fucking throat." The other man yelled.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." Dabi please help me..

He put my cock back into my underwear.

"Yeah right!" He laughed. He began to take my pants off.

I squinted my eyes as his member sat on my hole.

"Last time you stuck a gun in my guys face..and now it's your dick..hm?"

I'm Not Who You Once Knew (DabixHawks)Where stories live. Discover now