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"Standing there like you're some cop." I said as he leaned on the cop car.

"Heard my waiter got into a little trouble..came to check it out myself."

Cops came behind us. "Is there a problem fellas..?" He asked.

"No. Let's go Daiki." I said walking away with him.

"I was trying to help dammit..but with my luck I got caught."

I took a bite of my hotdog. "It's not like it's the first time you've been in there." He chuckled.

"Don't laugh at me asshole." I said annoyed. "How'd you get me out of there anyways?" I asked.

"I know a few bad cops here and there." He grinned.

"Does that mean the cops took care of the stuff at the warehouse?" He nodded.

"It's the rule around here. Touch the wife of another gang member..forget about dying a pretty death. Not saying your my wife but.." I coughed out my hotdog from almost choking on it. I wiped my mouth.

"..messing with one of my people means messing with me. Why..you don't like it?" He grinned. "No body knows about it..no one except you and me."

Does that make me some kind of accomplice..?

"Well then." I said taking a sip of my drink.

I saw a dog running past. "Dabi." I say launching around the table and crounching near him away from the dog.

He looked at it run past.

"Dog." I say scared.

I could feel his eyes look down at me.

"Its gone." He said chuckling, brushing his warm yet cold fingers along the strands of my hair.

His words have an oddly soothing effect.

I looked up at him. Sitting back down at my seat felt a bit embarrassing..

That tight fitting suit..the scent of cologne when I step close.

I took another bite of my hotdog and swallowed it.

He killed somebody to save me..and got me away from cops. But.. he's a villain. For years, I thought I was in love with Touya. But I think I was just scared of opening up and losing them. Don't get me wrong..Touya is still dear to me. He's a very important person in my life, but Dabi.. I don't know. I still don't trust him, I mean I'm still under his control.

"Your face looks fine.." he said.

After all the things that happened with this crazy man.. I'm on board with it all..I got feelings for him a while ago. But 2 years ago when he first burnt my wings off, I lost them.. Fuck I need to clear my head.

"But your wrists are still screwed up." He smirked. They had bruises of where he held.

"Says the guy who screwed it up." I raised my eye brow.

"I like how they look." He grinned.


Every time he comes out of nowhere, fucks up a storm and disappears again. I couldn't imagine him sleeping the whole night next to someone. No cozy morning after stuff.

"Did you put that filthy shirt on when you left?" I asked.

"Yeah, you were knocked out. I didn't even try say bye." He snickered.

"Say bye my ass! I could tell you've never been fucked by a man." I grinned.

"Wasn't my cup of tea." He took another bite.

"So you've tried it?" I smirked. Interesting..

"If you wanna have another go, let me know." I began to rub my leg against his. "I'll bang you good." I softly said.

"We've got other fucking to do. I haven't even made you cry yet." His leg moved back.

"Damn you." I mumbled. He stepped on my foot. His head leaned in.

"First..I'm gonna pound you 'till I get sick of it..then..I'll let you know." His head tilted down so I could see his eyes through his glasses.

"Well you better. Don't get banged by some random dude." I whispered.

"You sure you can make me cum little birdy?" He chuckled. I leaned back.

"Why not? It's not all about size you know." I say picking my hotdog up. I put it against my mouth and slightly opened my mouth.

"You gotta open up wider to get that whole thing in." I chuckled and finished it off.

"Eat as much as you want." He smiled.

"This is your best offer? Hotdogs...?" He nodded. I stood up. "Well see ya." I began to walk away.

He walked with me. "Where do you think your going?" He stood at his car with his hand in his pocket and his other hand on the key.

"Standing like that..you look like a corporate asshole." I chuckled.

"Hm, Whatever..get in." He grinned.

I'm Not Who You Once Knew (DabixHawks)Where stories live. Discover now