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"Did you kill them?" Father said sitting in his chair, looking straight.

"mm." I hum, in a slight sad tone. I was sitting on the widowsill behind him, looking out the window, one knee cuddled up against me. The other leg half on the windowsill and hanging down.

"So, what interaction happened, Akuma?" He said turning his chair around to me. I fiddled with my fingers, slowly playing with my hair.

"I keep.. seeing him." I say, cuddling into my bloodied up knee. My eyes were on the verge of tears.

"Akuma. You are Akuma. Hawks is who your starting to speak like. Let go of Hawks, let Akuma become more alive. I killed my father, and let go of my past with him." He said standing up, walking over to me.

He looked down at me, I turned my body towards him, still sitting. He punched my face. I dropped on the floor, looking up at him in shock. He continued to punch me.

"I beat Hawks like this. The one who I put dogs up against. Akuma, would catch a fist." He said, leaning down as he kept punching me. I curled into a ball, protecting my head. "Cmon! Prove your Akuma!" He said, landing hits on me.

My nose began to bleed. I lost concentration.

Pitch black surrounded me, with punches echoing behind me.

"Hello?" I say looking around, slowly walking as I check my surroundings. "Is anyone here?" I ask, scared.

"Dabi! Wait up!" A voice yelled. I looked towards it, running towards the light.

"H..Hey! Wait! Where am I!" I yell, watching the 2 ghost looking boys run around. They ran right through me.

My eyes trailed towards their direction, turning around. My apartment..

"Stupid fucking Akuma!" Dabi yelled punching me. "How to punish you.." I watched the memories continue, skipping parts out.

"KEIGO!" A girl yelled. I looked behind me. Rumi, her face flashed between her normal self and her.. dead?

"SIR PLEASE! TAKE ME OUT OF HERE!" I look at the demon boy, dogs leaping at him.


"SIR! I'LL DO IT! PLEASE!" He yelled. Stop this.. please..

They all began to switch around me..

Sanko.. Rumi.. Aizawa.. Tokoyami.. Dabi.. I curled into a ball. They all yelled, the noises rang into my ear.

"STOP IT!" I yell stabbing something with Yōkais hand as mine. I opened my eyes, taking off my blindfold, shocked.

The boy in front of me dropped.. except only, that boy was me.

My eyes flashed back to reality, my father still attempting to punch my head. My hands covered them. He hit my head, his hand going back up. As it came back down, I caught it, throwing him.

He snickered. "Thats more like it.. son. Let Hawks die, and Akuma grow.." He pulled me up, the blood of me dripping down as my eyes revealed.


"Was the other 2 fine?" He asked, standing behind me as I continued to look forward. My head turned towards his way, my eyes looking back at him.

"One of them.. Had a will to live, for someone he loved." I say softly, thinking of his cries to live for the person he loved.

"Hundreds dead and you still aren't used to this?" He chuckled. "Well, can't keep you here. Ah, before I forget." He said, reaching in his pocket. I took it out his hand, still facing away from him.

He gave me a paper with photos of 2 men, with small information about them. "They're always together, kill them. They're different, it has to be from long range." He said, I could feel him staring down at me.

The boy on the left had white long messy hair, on a suit, his top 2 buttons was open. He had the jacket around, not on him, his hands had black gloves. He had purple eyes, black slightly around them.

The boy on the right had black short and messy hair also. He was in a black tank with sweats. He had 2 on his lip and an eyebrow peircing, along with a tattoo on his cheek, running down his neck. There was tattoos all along his arm too. His left eye was purple, black slightly around it, his right eye had a black eye ball with white pupils.

"Names are still unknown, however, we've located one of their whereabouts." I look back at him, a shock came on my face.

"They.. Look like a demon, like me." I say showing him it. He shook his head.

"There are no other demons here, Akuma. Kill them, they must be killed by tomorrow. At all costs." I turn back around, walking towards the door.


I'm Not Who You Once Knew (DabixHawks)Where stories live. Discover now