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I awoke in a hospital room.

"Ah, your awake." A voice said. "How do you feel?"

A voice said, yawning.

"I'm sorry?" I asked. "Do I know you." I looked at the figure. He had a mask on with a hoodie. It covered his face.

"You hit into me. You had a minor collision with your steering wheel. And luckily somebody called the ambulance. But I gave you money for the hospital bill."

"I see, not the first time this has happened.. But you gave me 5, 000?" I said trying to rip him off. No way he will give me it.

"Let me add.." I looked on my left and saw a stack of money..it seems like a lot..He added a few more notes onto the pile. I sat up and ripped the cords off me grabbing the crash.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?!" He yelled.

"Going for a smoke." I limped over to what seemed to be my jacket and took the pack and light out. He followed me.

"Can I at least get your number.." he said as we reached the roof.

"W-why would you want that!" I said flustered a bit.

"Well you do owe me for hitting into my car. So, you owe me money." Shit. It's all because of shinzuke. I took a smoke out and lit it, inserting it into my mouth. I looked at my phone and called my boss.

"Keigo!" He answered, "where the fuck are you?!"

"Hey boss. Sorry, I'm gonna be a bit late. I got into an accident on the way there.."

"I see, make sure your here! A man booked you at 8pm and your supposed to wait tonight. Be here by 5."

"Yes sir." He hung up.

I looked at the rich man. Maybe I can play him..he seems a bit stupid to give money away just like that. I think if I play him I can get more.

"My number is **** **** ***" He wrote it down.

"I'll call you sometime. When I ask to go dinner, you will say yes and pay for it." He took the smoke out my mouth and put his finger under my chin to make me look at him.

"Besides, your kinda cute. So I'll like to see you around." He leaned in with a kiss, dropping the cigarette and stepping on it.

"I'd give it to you." He raised an eyebrow. "My name.. Maybe at our next little meet up, I'll tell you."A smile formed on his face. "Can I know yours faceless-man?"

"Not until it's time."

He walked off.




I arrived to work after being treated. My head just had a bandaid. I hid it with my hair. I walked into the club and began to work.

"Waiter!" A boy called.

He seemed a bit young. Too young.

"Can I see your ID before I set you down please." I said, leaving him with an annoyed look. He showed me his card. He was 28?

"I see, I am very sorry for assuming." He chuckled. "Don't worry. Happens all the time." I gave him a seat and a few drinks.




I gave the man and his group more drinks. They were hella drunk by now.

I'm Not Who You Once Knew (DabixHawks)Where stories live. Discover now