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" I should have know this wasn't a social call."

" if you do this, your done."

" I'm already done, so i don't have to do a dam thing. I told you, my last job was my..........last.........job."

" Just look over the material" The man in blue says pushing a manila envelope in front of me. " i guarantee it will be worth your while."

" Not the first time I've heard that from a man"

" You're the best. We need the best for these two"

" Two?? The best huh? And all i get is a free breakfast at Dennys for my troubles?"

" Who said it was free? Open the envelope Agent 88."

" That is NOT MY NAME!!!" I yell, slamming my fist on the table. My glass of water falling over and spilling to the floor. The waitress runs over and cleans up the mess. " would you like another water ma'am?" she asks nervously looking back and forth at us. " no" i say, never taking my eyes off of the man in blue. The waitress walks away quickly.

" your causing a scene 88, people are staring"

" call me 88 again and they'll get a show they'll never forget."

The man in blue sighs heavily. " Look, Nicki im sorry, really. I know your days as 88 are over, but i promise you, you will want to know what's in that envelope. This is the big time kid. margaritas and white beaches from here on out if you pull this one off."

" i don't drink and i can't swim. Are we done here?"

" Just look in the envelope. I'll call you in 24hrs" He gets up, drops a hundred dollar bill on the table and walks out.

" show off" i say to no one in particular, motioning for the waitress.

A shower and two shots of patron later, curiosity gets the best of me and i open the envelope. Numerous photos of twin brothers. Identical except for a few subtle differences. One had a head full of beautiful, thick twists. His nose and face slightly bigger than his brothers. Larry Bourgeois was his name. Laurent Bourgeois was the other. Features a little more chiseled, his hair was a beautiful thick afro. Both slim but muscular, very tall with skin like caramel. There were countless photos of them in various poses from different competitions, each one more beautiful than the last.

"Larry and Laurent Bourgeois,better known as Lau and Larry or Les Twins. Family from the beautiful island of Guadalupe, raised in Sarcelles, France. Most famous for dancing with Beyonce."

I'm staring at the pictures wondering why the hell anyone would want to kill these beautiful, french dancers. I get my answer when i open the last file. ......Street battle in Las Vegas, Les Twins VS. Joe stylz. The boys were offered a huge sum to throw the competition and let Joe win. They agreed, only to turn around and humiliate him, take home the trophy and expose the corrupt dance company. Shortly after they began receiving threats. They've been in hiding ever since, which is where i come in at i suppose. Who put the hit out remains a mystery, but their urgency to kill the boys is very clear.

"20 million dollars!!!" i yell, almost falling off the bed. " are you fucking kidding me, for some dancers!!?" With that kind of money i could go off the grid permanently, some where even blue couldn't find me.... But do i really want to do this? Without even noticing, my hand starts to rub the two-toned scar on my chest, inches away from my heart where a bullet almost ended what was left of my life. To even be able to sleep peacefully after what happened on my last job 2 years ago, is reason enough not to do this....But there is something about their faces......

I pick up the phone and call Crystal. The only person on earth that knows who i really am......besides the colors that i worked for. The only one i can call a friend.

" Bitch! it is 2:30am, you better be dying"

I sat there holding the phone in silence.

"Nick, are you ok? talk to me! Do you need me to say it?

" Yes"

" You are Nicole Arie Star. you are No longer agent '88. everything will be ok"

She says the words that i've heard her say a million times, each time pulling me back to reality.

I take a deep breath and begin to tell her about the twins.

" Nick you can NOT be serious!" she yells at the phone. " Do you not remember you almost died the last job?"

" Check your phone, i just sent you a text"

" I don't give a dam what you.........20 MILLION DOLLARS!!!?? I'd kill YOU for that kind of money"

" Thanks jerk"

" Any time creep. Seriously though, is this job really worth it? Who the hell is it for that much money, the Pope??"

" Check your texts"

" Good God!! are you kidding me?? That's Les Twins"

" You know who they are?"

" Everyone knows who they are, geesh creep, you really need to get out more, They're amazing"

" Yeah apparently too amazing if someone is willing to pay that much to take them out"

" Who gave the orders?"

" The man in blue himself"

" I guess it was pink's day off huh?"

" I guess so. I think i want to do this Criss"

There was a long pause before i heard her take a deep breath.

" Well, i can't stop you, but promise me one thing"

" Anything"

" If you must do this, let me have Laurents baby first"

We both start laughing.

" They are beautiful, aren't they? Especially the one with the twists"

" No, the fro!"

" Whatever creep"

" Jerk"


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