for every end,there is a beginning

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In my younger day's i use to call this place the fortress of solitude, like the cave full of crystals Superman would fly to whenever he needed to get his head together.  It was a huge room with all kinds of monitors, switchboards with their blinking nobs and switches.  Usually there were people around at all times keeping an eye on the cameras, today it was just us.  I'm watching my mother at the control board pushing various buttons.  One monitor in particular show's Dani and Jessica in the courtyard walking towards a car, both soaking wet.  Dani seems to be limping a little.  No sign of the boy's anywhere which means they're still here and Larry did not follow my instructions.  I'm going to get him!  Suddenly Lau's face flashes across the screen and i feel a warmth come over me, watching him strut down the hall in his suit, he's wet and bruised, his suit torn in certain spots......even still i've never seen a man more beautiful.  Nothing but determination on his face.  I've never been the damsel in distress type.  I can take care of myself but looking at him, i know he's coming for me, he could have left with Jessica, he could have left and saved himself and his brother but he stayed, for me. It makes me feel.........

" Let them leave, i'll deal with those two traitors later, right now i've got bigger fish to fry."

" Julian, i really think you should reconsider killing Laurent, He could be an asset to us."

" I've made up my mind Ashley, he's going to die and so is his brother.  Nicole has done just fine without love.  It is a weakness, we don't do weak."

" And what am i Julian?  Am i a weakness too?  I've loved you all these years, i gave you a child, i supported your dreams, i've kept your secrets, are you saying you don't love me?"

" I'm saying i respect you, that's better than love.  Respect from me is something most people would kill for, be happy with that."

" I am not most people Julian!"

" Look, i don't have time for this soap opera shit Ash, now is NOT the time!"  He gives her a look that warns her not to say another word, and she doesn't.  She looks at me, see's the disappointment in my eye's and lowers her head.  

" You have your gun on you?"

" always."  She say's in almost a whisper, head still lowered.

" Perfect, let's introduce daddy to your little friends baby girl."  

He pushes me out towards the direction the boys were in.  I've already killed him a million different ways in my head, but i have to play it cool.  I don't want to do anything that may cause someone  else to get hurt.  I look over at my mother, i guess love really is a weakness.............

" I'm going to marry her, just wait and see.  Mommy will love her."

" Shut up, you're not going to marry anyone.  Why you always fall for the crazies?"

" Me?!  Nicole is not exactly sane, remind me again why we're still here looking for her?" 

" shut up."  Lau says again, smacking Larry on the side of his head. He laughs.

" Seriously if you love her, it's ok.  You deserve to be happy."

" You make me happy, i don't need anything else."

" I mean, i know i'm amazing."  Larry say's winking at his brother. " But at some point we're going to want our own lives, our own families."

" You think she'd want a family with me?"

" She already has a family!"

The boys turn around at the sound of that voice.  The voice that tried to drown the girls in front of them.  The voice that now has a gun to Nicole head.  A slow, deep growling noise comes from Laurent.  Larry stares silently, eye's glowing like fire shifting from each person.

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