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20 minutes later we step out of the Canal Side Marriot. My hair in a messy bun, wearing a black romper with black and red sandals. Her in a long green and white sundress, jet black hair blowing in the breeze. The smell of vanilla and mango in the air between our two fragrances.

" let me guess, two concealed knives and a gun hidden God knows where?" she say's looking me up and down trying to spot my usual as we walk across the street.

" nope, i've upgraded"

" don't hold out on me, what you working with?"

" Let's hope you won't have to find out kermit."

We walk in and spot perfection times two sitting in a corner both watching us.

" my brother knows what i like" Larry say's with an evil grin.

" my gifts to you, since you've been so down lately, now shut up and enjoy it because we won't be seeing them again after today."

" if you say so, green is mine btw."

" i thought you no like green?"

" i do today" Larry say's licking his lips"

" fine, i prefer the one in black anyway."

" bonjour ladies" Larry say's jumping out of his seat and grabbing Gabriella's hand as she giggles and sit beside him.

"hello again, beautiful" Lau say's patting the side beside him signaling for me to sit down.

If i close my eyes for a second, i could have sworn this was a real date. Two friends at a nice restaurant with two handsome men, laughing and enjoying each others company. I look over and see green laughing and flirting with Larry&Lau is just as charming as his brother. It's nice to feel like a real woman & not a weapon. But make no mistake,i AM a weapon, just like the woman sitting across from me. She'd kill me if the price was high enough with that same pretty smile she's giving Larry. it truly is a shame that i'll have to........

" will you be having dessert?" The waitress asks, glaring at green and I.

" Larry will have his later, but thank you" green say's smiling at the now angry waitress stomping away.

" you know guys, why don't we walk this meal off a bit" i say winking at Lau.

" sounds good to me" Larry say's

"what my brother means is that as much as we've enjoyed ourselves, we're going to have to call it a night" Lau say's staring at his brother.

" Oh come on, just a little walk?" i ask,giving him a full on pout.

" yeah Lau, pleeeeeeease?" Larry chimes in all three staring at him with big doe eyes.

" fine, we can take a walk around the water.....and then we have to go home. right my brother?" Lau say's staring at Larry.

" let's go!" Larry yells ignoring Lau and grabbing greens hand.

" let's go!" Larry yells ignoring Lau and grabbing greens hand

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It's such a beautiful night. the Lights from the Peace Bridge leaving a golden glow over the water. Larry and Green are walking ahead of us in their own little world.

Lau and i approach a huge tree in a secluded part of the path.

" do you mind if we stop here for a sec? i think i have a rock in my sandal"

" No problem belle, let me help you with that" Lau smiles down at me walking me over to the tree, i lean on the tree trunk as he kneels down to check my sandal right when i try to do the same and we wind up bumping heads. Just before i fall over he grabs me and we stare at each other.

" hi" he says almost in a whisper

" bonjour" i say in a corny french accent.

before he could even laugh we hear a loud BANG and pieces of the tree trunk explode everywhere. I look over and there's a huge hole not where Lau was, but where i was.

" WTF WAS THAT??' Lau yells panic all over his face. Green and Larry comes running up to us

" Bro, are you alright??" Larry asks grabbing Lau

" you?" green looks at me and asks

" if it was me,he wouldn't still be alive" i say to green, Lau and Larry both giving me a confused look.

we hear a rustling in a bush over by the water. Green rips off the lower part of her dress and pulls out a gun....but not before i reach into my bun, pull out one of the small throwing knives used to hold it in place and toss two towards the bushes. Silence, right before a body falls out with one knife in the neck and one right between the eyes.

"upgrade?" green asks.

" yup" i say and take off towards the bush.

" WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WTF IS GOING ON!!??" Larry yells running behind us.

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