green eyed monster

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" We're all set, Albright Knox Museum tonight at 9." Lau say's putting his phone down.

" I knew she would come through." Larry said smilling

I don't know why the way he spoke to her.......calling her his little mouse...... bothered me so much, but it did.

" Helloooooo, are you there? I snap out of my thoughts and see Larry waving his hand in my face.

" I'm sorry, what?"

" I was asking if we could go over everything one more time. Are you ok?" He ask's with a concerned look on his face.

" I'm fine. Are you two sure you want in? Once we walk out that door, there's no turning back. This isn't a game."

" She's right." Dani say's. This is what we do, but you guys have families and a career. We understand if you want to back out.

" If you two had not shown up when you did, we'd be dead." Larry said.

" Not only did you save us, but you could have killed us yourselves........"

" Still can." I say, still mad about the phone call. Larry and Dani look at each other and snicker.

" Regardless....." Lau continues, rolling his eyes......." We owe you, we're all in."

" All i ask is one thing." I say looking all of them in the eye. " When the time comes, no one touches Blue but me."

" What is it with you two?" Dani asks. " I've never seen him go so hard for anyone else in the agency. He flipped his lid when you disappeared."

" Yeah, all of our lives are on the line here. Larry say's

" What is it?"

" He's my father...................

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