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" Please, don't hurt me, i'll give you whatever you want.....please." Cries the woman huddled in the dark corner, shaking. He starts to clap his hands, giving her a predatory smile that sends chills up her spine.

" You are a very good actress.....very good. Normally, it's not in my nature to put my hands on a women however, your not a woman are you? He leans in, his face inches from hers and tilts his head sideways. " No, definitely not a woman. I know a killer when i see one."

" Sir, i'm just a grounds keeper here at the museum, I don't know what you are talking about."

" Grounds keeper huh? Is that what they're calling your kind these days?"

" Please........I........."

Before she could say anything else he hauled back and slapped her hard in the face. Grabbed her by the collar of her uniform and dragged her to her feet. His eyes on fire,his anger showing itself like a roaring lion.

" People always think i'm the nice one, but i don't like to play nice, just ask my brother." He says with a smirk. " If the next words that come out of your mouth is not what i want to hear, i will show you what i do to pretty little spies who lie." Her scared look turns to pure hatred and she spits in his face. He let's her collar go and she falls to the floor,does a quick spin and knocks him off his feet. All 6'4" of him hits the ground hard. He looks up at her and smiles.

" There she is, took you long enough." He say's standing up. His eyes go dark and his smile is nothing but pure animalistic rage. All of his life he's tried to hide who he was deep down inside. through the years he's learned to find creative ways to unleash his dark side without hurting anyone, like dancing. Which is how he earned the name "beast" if they only knew.............

" I'm not telling you shit! You and your friends will all die slowly once Blue gets a hold of you, but i'll make sure to pay extra special attention to your pretty little brother. I'll save him for last, how's that sound? She say's, laughing. Her laughter quickly turns into gasps for air as his hands tighten around her throat. She grabs at him,trying to kick and pull at his arms but he does not let her go. She reaches for something in the pocket of her uniform but he snatches her hand back and snaps her wrist like a twig.......still holding on to her neck with his other hand. She screams, but no one can hear her over the loud music and chatter of the party.

" Didn't know i can multi task, did you bitch?" he says. " What was that you were saying again about my brother?"

" Lau let her go!" He thought he heard a voice say in the background. He must have been hearing things. " Lau!!! let the bitch go, it's time. we gotta go NOW." He looks over to the direction the voice is coming from and see Dani, who has been standing guard outside of the groundskeeper shed since he dragged the bitch in there.

" Let her go Laurent."

" Why?" he asks, still holding on to her neck. Looking at Dani like a confused child

" Because she's already dead you nut." He looks over at his hands and see's her lifeless body hanging from them&he let's her go. She hits the ground like a ton of bricks. He has scratches on his hands and the arm of his suit is torn, he didn't even notice any of that was happening.

" Personally i'm impressed& a little turned on." She say's with a laugh. But Jessica is on her way to meet him, we gotta go. Help me with this right quick would you please?" He steps outside the door and see's two security guards laid out on the ground, needles in their neck. He looks up at her and shakes his head, helping her drag them into the shed.

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