never judge a book....

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I open my eyes & look around.  I'm in a cube shaped, stainless steel room.  The whole wall in front of me is made of glass.  I look over & see my brother laying on the ground, not moving,  Except for a sharp pain in my side, I seem to be ok.

"Laurent, wake up." I say shaking him a few times.  " please brother, wake up." I say again, slapping his face as hard as I can.

" I'll kill all of you!" He roars, swinging his arms,sitting up a little too quickly, he grabs his head & lays back down.

" its me, its Larry, calm down." I Look him over, other than a few bruises he seems to be ok as well.  He sits up slowly, looking around. 

"Where the hell are we?"

" I don't know."

What do you mean you don't know! Where is Nicole??  You were suppose to be watching her!"

" don't yell at me, I'm here same as you.  Since you want to point fingers, last time I checked Dani was with YOU!

Just then we hear a voice echoing all over the room coming from a speaker in the ceiling.

" hello there boys, I see you're finally awake.  I assume the one asking about my daughter is the infamous Laurent, am I right?"

" where is she?" He asks again.

" funny, you insist on asking about her but have yet to ask about the other one.  I guess what I've heard abou you is true."

" you know nothing, about either of us." Larry says.

" oh I don't?  Well let's put that to the test, shall we?"

A light clicks on from the other side of the glass, in a room identical to the one we're in is Dani, unconscious & tied to a chair.  Her face badly bruised & gashes cut into her arms & legs.  Next to her is Jessica, also tied to a chair, other than the scared look in her eyes she seemed unharmed.

" let me put your mind at ease boys, Nicole knew things would end this way, she wanted to be brought back here, you all were just pawns to get to me.  If you thought she was capable of loving you Laurent, you're a bigger fool than I thought.  You were better off with the other one.

I look over at Jessica & she has this sad look on her face.  Without even looking I can feel my brothers pain.

" don't listen to him Lau, everything is not always what it seems."

" actually it is.  Right now it seems like you are in a shit load of trouble, and trust me, you are." Says the voice.  All of a sudden a panel on the wall shifts & water starts rushing in, flooding the room with Jessica & Dani in it.  Jessica let's out a blood curdling scream.

" NO!" Laurent screams, running up& banging on the glass.

" play nice boys, see you later." Says the voice laughingly.
The water is up to the girls waists, Jessica is rocking back & forth trying to free her hands. Laurent is pounding & kicking at the glass.  I'm sitting, silently waiting.  My skin is warm & tingly like fire, my mind is dark, I'm staring at Dani as the water reaches her neck, her eyes fly open looking around wildly until our eyes meet.  I continue to stare, willing her to calm down, finally she does nodding her head as if she understands.  Right before the water covers her face I wink at her, fire in my eyes.  Someone will pay for what they did to her.  Laurent turns around & runs toward me, grabbing my collar.

" how are you sitting there so calm?  We have to help them, they're going to die." He yells with tears in his eyes.  I slap his hands away.  " I need someone to blaze a path" I can hear in my head.  I take my shoe off & pull out a pack of gum take out two sticks & chew them.

" are you fucking kidding me!?" Laurent yells, looking at me like I lost my mind.  I spit out the two pieces & stick them to the bottom of each end of the glass, never taking my eyes off of the girls desperately holding their breath.
" not everything is what it seems." I say again.

  " now get your ass in the corner & shut the hell up."
I  grab him & shove him in the corner.  I push down on my finger nail & watch as sparks start to fly from the gum.  The glass begins to shake violently before tumbling into a million pieces.  Water rushing in& drenching us, Dani& Jessica on the ground wet& gasping for air like fish.  Laurent looking at me in shock.

" untie them & let's get the fuck out of here." I say, treading water towards the door, chewing more gum.

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