there's no place like home

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" If you don't be still i swear i will choke you."

" Your already choking me that's why i can't stay still.  Your not doing it right!"

" I'm sorry, i'm just a little nervous.  There, i'm done."

There was a knock at the door, Nicole's friend Crystal peeks her head in.

" Boys, It's time.....what in the hell??  Ok, which one of you don't know how to put on a tie?"

" Him."  They say at the same time, pointing at each other.  Crystal shakes her head and walks over to them and fix the mess that they made.  She steps back and smiles.

" There, NOW your ready."

" It's been a whole year Criss, one whole year and nothing.  Not one word." 

" Please don't give me the sad eye's Lau, you know i can't take that.  Larry, get your brother please."

" I'm busy."  Larry say's, staring at himself in the mirror, not even giving us a second glance.

" Laurent, she asked all of us to give her time and we all agreed.  I miss her too but she deserves this time to find her happiness.  After all that she's been through, she watched her parents kill each other and whats worse is it was done in front of you....both of you.  Is that what you want her to think about every time she looks at you?  You guys have been in hiding for a long time,  you ALL needed space to get yourself together.  For as long as i've known her, i've never seen her act the way that she does when it comes to you, i've also never known her to break a promise, so if she say's she'll come back, she WILL come back, ok?"

" Ok."  Was all he could say.  She was right.

" Now if your ass would of just married me and let me have all your little french babies, you wouldn't be sitting here looking all sad."  Larry looks at his brother and they burst out laughing until they both had tears in their eye's.

" Thank you Criss, you're a real friend."  He say's kissing her on the cheek.

" Remember that the next time your dancing with Chris Brown, i can be reached at all times!"

He shakes his head and turn to leave out the door.  As they walk down the hall Jessica peeks her head out of one of the rooms.

" Laurent, i need to speak with you for a moment."

" Is everything ok." Larry asks looking worried.

" Yes, i just need to speak with Lau for a moment."

" Go ahead Lau, i'll make sure Larry is where he needs to be." Criss says

Laurent walks into the room and see's Dani in a long strapless wedding gown.  It took his breath away, she looked like a beautiful princess.  She lifts up her gown and on her feet are a fresh pair of Jordans that matches larrys.

" You like?"  She says smiling at him.

" Your definitely ready to be a Bourgeois sis, you look beautiful."  He says kissing her on the cheek.

" Don't you dare mess up her make up."  Jessica says running over to Dani and checking her face.  She laughs, " Jess, i'm fine, really.  Just give us a minute, ok?"  She gives Lau a look that warns not to touch anything else on Dani and walks out the room.

" I've never had a brother, this past year you and I have become very close.  I know i asked you to walk me down the aisle, i'm sorry but i'm going to have to take that back."

" What?  But why?..........what did i do?  I can't walk down the aisle by myself, who are you going to walk with?"

" Lau."

" How are you going to wait until two seconds before we walk down the aisle to say this..."

" Lau."

" That's a shitty thing to do Dani!"


" WHAT??"

" Turn around."

He turns around and all of a sudden he can't breath.  Standing in front of him is the site he's been longing to see for over a year now.  Standing there in a beautiful Black and red gown, hair in a curly afro pushed back away from her now glowing face by a headband that looks like a crown is Nicole.  She lifts her dress up a little, He looks down and see's a pair of Jordans that matches his own.  He doesn't move.

" I have a maid of honor here with no escort, i figured you'd be more than happy to give me up and help her out."  Dani say's with a smile.  They still stand there silently staring at each other.

" Okaaaaaaay, well i'm going to step out the room and get married, if you two could stop staring at each other long enough to join me, i'll give you a few minutes."  Dani says walking out the room, smiling.

" Hello Laurent."

" Hello."

" A little bird told me that for some odd reason my fathers building got burned to the ground while i was away.....around the same time Joe Stylz went missing, any idea how that happened?"

" Hey, i'm beast.  You have any questions about fire, that's blaze department."

" I'll be sure to remember that. How are you?"

" I missed you."

" Laurent......i......"  Before she could say anything else he walked up to her, grabbed her tightly and kissed her.  He expected her to push him away but she didn't.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.  He doesn't know how long they were like that before there was a knock at the door and Jessica walks in.

" Hey losers, let's fucking get married already!" She says, obviously forgetting we were in a church.  slamming the door behind her.  They looked at each other and smiled.

" How weird is it that her and Dani have become such good friends?"

" Very weird!  But it's good to see her happy again.  Come back to France with me, I don't think i can handle the newlyweds by myself."  He laughs.

" We have so much to talk about, i have so much to tell you."

" Is that a yes?"

" Yes, yes i'll got to France with you."

He picks her up and spins her around.  She throws her head back like a child and laughs.  A sound he never thought he would ever hear from her, a sound he would love to hear every day of his life.  He can't wait to hear about all she's done to get her to this point and can't wait to get this wedding over with so he can have her to himself.

" We should go."  He says putting her down.  He grabs her hand and they walk out the door.

" You know your stuck with me now, right?"  She say's giving his hand a squeeze.

" Just us? " He asks looking down at her smiling.

" Just us." 

she says smiling back at him as the church doors open and they walk down the aisle.

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