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We've been eye-fucking each other all night. I knew once the song was over that as soon as i stopped dancing, he would come over. Why wouldn't he after the show i just put on. I could smell his cologne before he appeared beside me, sitting on the bar stool. Long wavy hair with golden blonde highlights at the tips, caramel skin and a crazy smile that i'm sure has left a path of many broken hearts leading him to me. He looks me up and down, licking his lips, i cover my face and giggle bashfully.

"What brings such a beautiful women to my club all by herself?"

i giggle again, slowly crossing my legs and looking into his eyes.

"looking for love"

"what kind of love?"

" The kind that doesn't like sunlight"

His eyebrow arches as he leans back and smirks

" that's perfect, because one night is all that i have"

He snaps his finger towards the bartender, never taking his eyes off me.

" nada más que lo mejor para esta hermosa mujer" (nothing but the best for this beautiful women) he demands. "si jefe" (yes boss) the bartender says vanishing quickly, only to return with two sparkling glasses of champagne.

" gracias. Eres demasiado bueno" (thank you, you are too kind) i reply in spanish just as flawless as he did. His eyes light up in surprise.

"you speak spanish?"

" a little" i say holding up my glass next to his.

" to love" he says, winking at me.

"to love" i repeat, clinking my glass with his, winking back.

20 minutes later we're in a dark alley behind the club, my dress lifted up my thighs,my shoes off and his pretty little face bloody and bruised. My hands gripping his throat.

" I don't want to kill you, but please understand that i will"

I can feel his heart beating a mile a minute even though he stopped struggling against me, his face is turning an odd shade of blue and his fingers are digging into my arm. I've been in Puerto Rico for three days trailing this asshole, i'm ready to go home. She's coming...soon. I can feel it. No way she would pass up this last job. I can NOT let her find them before i do. I let him go and he hits the ground like a ton of bricks. I kneel down, grab his face and stare him right in the eye.

" What's wrong hun, was this not the kind of love you were looking for?" i ask and smile. i hear him groan as his head hits the ground.

" you thought you were going to bend me over in this filthy alley just because you bought me a drink and called me pretty? What the fuck kind of douche bag are you? Do you even like women foreal??Maybe next time you'll think twice Mr. Club it ok if i call you Roy? " i laugh and kick him in the ribs for good measure. he doubles over and grabs his side, screaming in pain.

"So Roy, I'll ask you one last time. Where.......are......the twins?"

" Please, I swear i don't know. i haven't seen them since they disappeared. I've been searching for them too.........please don't kill me, i'll give you anything!!?

"Don't be a pussy Roy, have some dignity for goodness sake! I'll let you live, but if i find out your lying to me, if you tell anyone what happened tonight, i won't stop until you and anyone that shares the same blood as you no longer exist. Do we have an understanding?"

" Yes!!!! i swear, not a soul....i won't say a word"

i lean over and pick up my shoes. " you owe me for getting my new Louboutins dirty in this fucking alley. Do you know how much these shoes cost?!! I yell as i turn to walk away

"PERRA LOCA!!" (crazy bitch) he yells behind my back.....and i stop walking. The one thing Mr. club owner didn't know about me is that there is one word that i can not and will not tolerate............i slowly turn around and smile at the little sewer rat as i watch him try to get up and run away after seeing what was really behind that smile. Next thing you know he hits the ground with a dagger sticking out of his chest.

"oops" i say to no one and continue to walk away. Tacos sound good af right now...........

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