let me explain

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She placed her finger under my chin and lifted my head up.  I wanted to slap her hand away, i wanted to yell and ask her where the hell has she been, but all i could do was cry.

" What a beautiful woman you turned out to be.  I'm sure you have a lot of questions but please understand that everything i did, i did for you."

" I don't understand.  I heard you tell him you'd take me away, why would you want me to believe you were dead?"

" I had to Nicole, You would have never agreed to his terms if i had stayed around.  We both agreed that me leaving would help you reach your full potential and we were right.  I've been watching you very closely over the years, i've never seen a more perfect weapon."

" Is that all i am to you, a weapon?  I loved you, you were my mother, you were the only thing that reminded me that i was even capable of feeling love and now your telling me that you sat back and watched him hurt me, watched my chances of having any kind of normal life snatched away from me?  Look at me mother!  Do you really think what you did helped in any way?"

" Your father and i won't be around forever, we needed to be sure you were capable of taking over our legacy."

" Are you kidding me?  What legacy?  Death, lies , destruction?....... you are just as insane as he is."

" One day you will understand just how much we love you, how much we've always loved you."

I was speechless, staring at this shell of a women that was once my mother, the only thing i want to do is get the hell out of there.

" What happened to the others?"

" They're still alive.......for now."

" Let them go, this doesn't have anything to do with them."

" You know i can't do that, your father would never allow it."

" Wow, the irony of my own mother becoming the very thing i despise the most."

" And what is that Nicole?"

" A weak bitch."  

She flinched as though my words physically hurt her, shaking her head she walked over to the table and sat down.

" Call me whatever you'd like, but you are my child and the apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree."

" I'm nothing like you."

" you are EXACTLY like me.  how do you think your father and i met?  I know a thing or two about falling in love with a beast."  she says winking at me.

" Laurent is more of a man than your sadistic husband will ever be." 

" I understand that your upset, and you have every right to be but you will respect your father."

" I don't have a father and my mother has never been more dead to me."

Before she could say anything else we hear loud yelling from the hallway and the door flies open.  Blue walks over and yanks me out of my chair.

" You mind telling me how the hell they were able to blow themselves out of my chamber!?"

" Now how would i know that?  All i did was offer Larry some gum."  I say with a smile.  he shoves me back into the chair and looks towards my mother.

" Here's whats going to happen, we are going to kill all of them, and YOU...." he says', pointing at me..."Are going to stop acting like a spoiled brat and take your place here where you belong."

" Or what, you're going to ground me?  It's a little late to try and play daddy don't you think?"

" I'm not going to repeat myself, i can just blow your knees out and still get what i want."

" Julian, stop it!"

" Try it, i'm not tied to a chair anymore old man, you WILL die today!"

" Nicole, please.  He's your father, don't speak that way."

He pulls out a gun and points it at me.

" If that's how you want to play little girl, i'm always up for the challenge, but not before you watch me put a bullet in your friends brains, now WALK!"

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