boys and their toys

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" That job in China, omg!  Only two survivors out of the whole Momochi Clan and they were left with no tongues, complete dishonor, a father has never been more proud.........." 

 Blues voice booms through the hallway, naming what he considers to be my greatest accomplishments, sounding  like such a proud dad except for the gun pointed towards the back of my head, my mother beside him as we walk down the long hallway towards the surveillance room where he can check the many monitors hooked up to cameras all over the compound, tracking the others location.  I'm walking, not saying a word, not doing anything drastic to set him off just yet.  Hoping that Larry remembers everything i showed him in such a small amount of time.........

" What the hell was that?!"  Lau asks still staring at his brother in total disbelief.

" Are you ok?"  Larry asks, ignoring him, and focusing on Dani who was still in lau's arms after he carried her out.  She looks at him and nods her head,attempting to smile before wincing from pain.  He starts to feel that tingle in his skin again, ready to unleash his anger from seeing her in so much pain, but now is not the time. 

 " I want you and Jessica to get as far away from here as possible, we will get Nicole and meet you at the safe house."

" I'm not leaving without you, don't worry about me i'm fine.  Put me down please."  She asks Lau.  He looks at his brother who nods his head yes and gently puts her down.  

" You have to, this is not the place for Jessica and without you she won't find her way out."

Lau looks over at Jessica as if mentioning her name suddenly reminded him that she was still there.  " Forgot about me already huh mon amor?  It's ok."  

" No,it's not ok.  I'm a dick, i've always been a dick to you and yet you risked your life to save mine.  You deserve better than me." he walks over and looks her in the eye, " i'm so sorry." he say's and hugs her tightly, they both begin to cry.

" Please belle, go with her.  Me and my brother have to do this, you've been hurt enough, i can't take you being hurt anymore, please."  She doesn't have the energy to argue with him, she didn't think she could win anyway.  

" Ok, i'll go.  promise me when this is over we can take a very long vacation?"

He kisses her forehead and laughs.  " Ever been to France......without killing someone?"

She kissed him hard on the lips, not caring about the shocks of pain that went shooting through her.  She was use to using sex to get what she wanted, it was part of her job and before she knew it, became part of her life.  But the moment she opened her eyes and saw him, before the water came rushing over her head, she knew that this was different,unlike anything she'd ever felt before.  She could feel him before she even saw him.  She would fight by his side to the death, which might very well happen dealing with Blue.  

" Can you keep a secret?" She whispers in his ear.

" oui." He say's with that bunny smile.

" I love you Larry." 

Before he could say anything else, she slips something in his pocket and turns towards Jessica, who was looking like a huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders finally hearing Lau say he was sorry, and grabs her hand.

" Let's get you out of here."

They watch the two woman walk away in silence.  Still in shock, Larry reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small slip of wet paper with number combinations written on them, a little faded but still legible.

" What is that?" Lau asks.

" The lock codes to the weapons room." He say's touching his lips where she kissed him and smiled to himself.

" She wasn't just using me, was she brother?" Laurent asks.

" No, she wasn't.  She knows her father very well and she also knows how your temper can get, so she gave me a way to get us out of trouble if it ever came down to that.  She's trying Lau, this can't be easy for her and patience is something you definitely lack. Just try to remember that she's trying, ok?

" Let's go get us some toys brother." he say's with that look in his eye.

" Playtime!" Larry say's running behind him.

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