Wanting To Be

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Everything in Seabrook is the perfect place, some might even say the perfect life in all. Well besides the zombies, but what everyone doesn't know is about us witches. It's just me and my sisters. The coven left after the death of my parents which was 14 years ago, me being only 2 at the time. No one here knows my name or who I am because that's the rules for us witches. We aren't allowed to talk to anyone who isn't our own kind. Last year was crazy because the town was letting zombies go to Seabrook high, I thought maybe this is it for me, that I can show people who I really am, and I could make friends instead of being label as the freak of the school who doesn't talk to anyone. Once they were here, I asked my sister if I could finally be who I really am towards everyone and her answer was no and if the council found out then I would be in some serious shit. The reason I'm not allowed to talk is because it's for our own safely, I mean that's what the council says anyway.

We were in the auditorium/gym and everyone in the school was freaking the fuck out since Addison the white hair girl cheerleader saw wolves in the forest. People are also saying they heard a howl as well. Right now their all on their phones telling the rest of Seabrook of the beasts in the forest and right now I rather be there with them instead of here hearing Bucky scream his head off about the wolves.

"Werewolves are real. I always, always said the stories of the monsters in the forest were real and no one believed me" Bucky shouted and then wined. Here's the thing I already knew they were real the reason being is because my kind created theirs, but it was thousands of years ago. Now on the other hand I have never seen or met one before and I don't think anyone of my kind as seen a wolf in centuries.

"I thought they were just myths!" Lacy said, she is one of the Acey's. "Yeah, like cavities" Jc said, I turned around to give him are you serious look along with the other's as well. "Those are real too?!" He shouts. Bucky looked away from him to look at me and gave me a glare "What are you looking at freak?" He said towards me. I shook my head and rolled my eyes and continued waiting and listening for my sisters.

"Please can I have one? I'm the only zombie in my class and a werewolf friend would be great. I'll fed him and walk him" The little zombie girl asked her father who I know as Zoey, she's Zed little sister and he is also Addison's boyfriend. I smile at what Zoey is asking her father because honestly, I find it cute

"Yeah, werewolves ain't class pets, Zoey. And they certainly aren't friendly" Her father said to her.

After listening to Zoey talk, I looked up to see my two sisters Aubrey and Aurora at the door. I grab my things and ran towards them. We got in the car and drove in silence until we got in the house.

"What are they saying?" Aurora asked me

"They are talking about the wolfs in the forest and people that were there at the crash said they heard a howl, one of them even said she saw one of the wolfs as well. Their just freaking out because they are finding out the myths about them are true. The rest of Seabrook freaked out about the whole zombie thing and then again when zombies were allowed to go to Seabrook high. They will get over it." I tell them

"Your right, they will. But we can handle this, just do what we did with the zombies" Aubrey said

"We didn't do anything. We did what we always do and that's not talk" I muttered in a annoyed like voice

"What was that?" Aubrey asked me in a tik off voice

"We never talk to anyone Aubrey. So how we handle things is by not talking to anyone and that's everyday for me besides talking to the two of you" I say

"Guys-" Aurora starts to say but was cut off by Aubrey

"No, Aurora don't. It looks like we have to have this talk once again" Aubrey said

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