Welcome To Seabrook High

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Ariella Pov....

The whole student body was in the auditorium/gym for people to be nominees for the for the student body president of the school. The only person running right now is Bucky. 

"Okay, are there any more nominees for president?" Our lovely but annoying principle ask us "Just remember that being part of the student council means we get to hang. Anybody, anybody want to hang? Anybody? Oh, we could come with our very own complicated high five. That'll be fun? Huh? Like...." She said and started to clap her hands together. Than the band started to play, a huge poster comes down with Bucky's big head on it, he started to do flips all the way towards the stage and everyone cheered for him. He started to give his speech putting himself up which we already knew he was doing since he shouted all this morning for everyone to vote for but as he put it he will win anyways without our vote. 

Then Zed fell down the stairs on to the stage pushing Bucky out of the way. Now that's what I call an entrance. 

"Zombie strong" Zed yelled "Hello everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president" Once he said that everyone cheered besides Buckey and his little group. Zed already has my vote because I rather him than Bucky be president of the school. You see I don't like Bucky has you can already tell and I mean why would I. It's mostly him and his little Acey that make fun of me the most at this school and I will have to say that none of the zombies have once made fun of me and neither has Addison or her friend Bree. So I like them for that. 

"Anyone can run for president, Bucky." Addison shouted at him hearing whatever comment he made about Zed. I think Addison sometimes doesn't like her cousin Bucky

"She actually has a point, Mr.Bucky." Our principle says "WHAT?" Bucky yelled than followed the principle right off the stage 

"Zombie president?" Stacy said "EW!" Acey's yelled

All zombies and half-non zombies cheered for Zed 

"As the first zombie president, I will allow zombies to go to the Prawn, I will be taking Addison as my date" giving her a smile and she gave him one in return and a wink making the zombie boy blush. "And her and I will get our photo on the Prawn wall of fame. Okay, if you vote for me I will bring you prosperity and awesomess!" He shouts. Everyone started to cheer louder and chanting Zed's name. 

Wyatt Pov.....

It was now morning and everyone was here and I bet even the Great Alpha. I could smell her but I could also smell that lavender rose smell from last night but this time it was stronger. It was like calling me and just smelling it made me clam. Once we saw it was clear, we crawled once again but out of the air ducks. 

"The Great Alpha is near" I say 

"Focus. Remember, we're fierce, we're savage." My sister Willa says 

"We're werewolves!" Wynter shouted for anyone to hear us 

"That's right Wynter" Willa said to her giving her a smirk as well 

"We're scared of nothing" Wynter said

"Expect silver" I say which is very true because it burns are skin 

"Yeah, silver" Wynter said with some fear in her voice

"And ticks" I say and at the corner of my eye I can see Willa roll her eyes 

"Oh and rabies" Wynter added throwing her hands in the air 

"Come on, if we're quiet, we can be in and out of here before they even know we're here." I say and before I could say anything else. There was a scream that came behind me and just for me to see one of the pack members throw a silver trophy in the air only for another pack member to catch it and screamed and doing what was done before until Wynter caught. 

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