New Look

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Wyatt Pov...

As I ran my fingers through her hair, I couldn't help but think of what Ariella told me. About the Harvest and the council, along with the rules. And her sisters along with her godmother fighting and the last thing I hated out of all of this was her telling me that if she becomes part of the harvest, she'll die. I just got her and I don't want to let go. I looked down to see my mate fast asleep. I picked her up and carried her back to the wolves den. I figured she would rather be there then at home right now. Once I made it back my sister and Wynter came running to me. I could see the anger in my sisters eyes when she saw me carrying Ariella

"What the hell is this Wyatt?" She asked me in a pissed off tone and I was right she was mad

"This is Ariella. My mate. Something happen so I brought her here instead of taking her back home. She won't tell anyone about the den when she wakes up. I promise" I say and walked right in. I could hear Willa following me to my room as I lay Ariella on my bed

"I don't care if she is your mate Wyatt. You brought a human here. To a wolves secret place" She says

"Ariella isn't really human" I say scratching the back of my neck and let out a nervous laugh

"What do you mean she's not human?" Willa asked me

"I would tell you but only if she agrees to me telling" I say and that sent Willa over the edge to storm off out of my room

"Wyatt" Ariella sleepily voice said. I turned around and walked over to her and layed down next to her

"It's okay. I'm right here" I tell her and I pulled her into my side as she snuggled more onto my chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with her. But was woken up by Wynter telling me to come on. I looked down to see Ariella still passed out asleep, I moved slowly and carefully not to wake her up. I walk out of my room to see the pack getting ready to leave

"You say she is the Great Alpha. Then it's time to bring her home" Willa said as we left the den. We tracked down Addison all the way to her house. Willa made a howl and used her claws to make a scratch at the door. The door opened to revile Addison. She looked shocked to see us here.

"Come with us" Willa said and grab her hand. We walked through her part and then through Zombieland all the way back to the den.

"So... where are we going?" Addison asked us

"That's a wolves secret" Wynter quickly said "And if we told you! We'd have to kill you!" She adds looking around. Seeing all the weird looks and the glares that Willa was giving her

"Too much, too much! I knew it, sorry! welcome" She says throwing her arms in the arm "But not too welcome" She adds giving a point finger at Addison. Then Wynter started coughing again like she did early today "Are you okay?" Addison asked her

"My necklace is losing it's charge" Wynter said in a sad tone. Once she said that Addison looked over to me and Willa for answers to why

"Everyday more and more of our pack gets sick because their moonstones are losing their charge, all the elders are too sick to travel which means-" Willa cut me off

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me. You'll be fine Wynter, I promise" She gestures to Addison and then Wynter and then turns around to walk in the den with me by her side "You better be right about this" She says "We need to find the moonstone and soon"

"The wolf den" Wynter told Addsion once we were all the way inside. Addsion looked around, taking it all in

"Wow. This is, amazing. Really, amazing" Addison stated still looking around

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