I'll Die

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I kept running with tears falling down my face. My legs were burning but I pushed through it and kept going, ignoring the pain. I wanted to get away from her. I had to get away from her, from the three of them. I stop running once I reached my favorite place of all in this town, I found it years ago on one of my many walks. It's where I go to think. I continued on crying and what happen back at the house kept playing in my mind like a record player. The coven and the council haven't been here in Seabrook or seen me in 14 years now. A harvest hasn't taken place in over three hundred years. Why now? Why me? I fell down to my knees letting out a piercing scream. Making the ground shake beneath me and everything around me. My thoughts were interrupted by a tig being snapped behind me. I had a feeling that it was my sisters, thinking they had followed me.

"Aurora, Aubrey go away" I said without looking behind me, whipping some tears off my cheek

"I'm going to take a huge guess and say those are your sister's" A male voice said but I knew that voice. Wyatt. I turned around to see him a few feet behind me. I looked at him confused on why he was here

"How....how did you find me? Did you follow me?" I asked him standing up to face him directly

"I wanted to see you so I followed your sent all the way to your house. I heard yelling than your house started to shake like an earthquake was happening but the weird thing was, it was only your house and nothing else" He said raising an eyebrow at me and a smirk. Almost like he now knew what I was. "Than I saw you run out with tears in your eyes and going down your cheek. So I followed you out here, to come and check on you" Than I remembered why I ran home today. Seeing him and Addison being all closed to one another was replaying in my mind.

"Shouldn't you be checking on Addison?" I questioned him with a little sass in my tone

"No, I rather be here with you" He says taking a step closer to me

"Why?" I asked him

"I'll tell you but I have feeling you already know why but if you tell me why you are crying and why when you screamed everything shook. I have a feeling I know why but I want to hear it from you" He says taking more steps closer to me until he was able to rest his hand on my cheek. He whipped a tear off with his thumb, never breaking eye contact with me. "Why are you crying Ariella? I don't like seeing you cry"

"The council wants to bring back the harvest and.........and they want me in it" I say. I could feel my eyes start to water up again

"Council? Harvest?" He questioned

"The witches council" I say

"Yeah, I kind of figured you were a witch when your house started to shake" He says with a chuckle but stopped once he saw I was serious "And the harvest, what's that?"

"It's a ritual for witches. A lot of people don't question the harvest. But my mother did and so did my sisters and they still do. My grandmother left a journal telling us what really happens at the harvest and what happens to the girls. But it doesn't say if it's true or not as in if it works. To other witches it's an honor to be picked as a harvest girl. Last time there was one was three hundred years ago. Some witches even myself don't believe in it." I say

"How does it begin?" He asked me

"You'll be lead out like a princess. One of the elders will call upon the 4 elements to bind our past and future magic together. Earth to connect us to our ancestors. Water to heal the community. Wind to carry us to our ancestors and back. Fire to purify. Before the harvest there is weeks of preparation, the only thing you don't practice is the little cut on our hand. The magic from the knife would put them to sleep and later at the reaping would all be resurrected. They tell them when they awaken that will all be together and more powerful then ever. But that's not what they do" I say

"What do they do instead?" He asked all curious but also in a worry tone

"They don't put you to sleep. They slaughter you. They kill 4 innocents girls for power. They want me to be a harvest girl. Wyatt, I'll die" I tell him. Tears were already down my face once again of thought of me dying. Wyatt pulled me in a tight hug, not wanting to let go like I was already going to disappear. He kissed my head while I sob into his chest and running his finger through my hair trying to calm me down

"They won't touch you. I'll won't let them" He says in my ear. After a few more minutes of us being like this and him saying sweet things to me in my ear. We moved over to sit down a large rock, well Wyatt sat down on the rock while he pulled me into his lap and just held me tight.

"You don't have to tell me but what happen at the house?" He asked

"We got a letter yesterday from Ruby who is our godmother, telling us that she was coming down for a visit so that she could deliver news to us. The news was about the harvest and them wanting me in it. My sisters went against, and Ruby was basically telling them that I had to and they had no say in what the council wants. Aurora said that the council can't do anything if we leave our coven. I believe that's what were going to do and Ruby was not happy. I got upset from all the yelling and the thought of me dying, that's what caused me to lose control of my magic." I say

"Which was the results of everything shaking" He says, giving him a nod in response

"It could of been a lot worse than that. I never liked the council and I hate the rules which were basically our laws" I say rolling my eyes

"Rules?" He asked

"Yeah, one of them was witches aren't allowed to talk to anyone who isn't their own kind. Things happened. It's true witches were giving but other supernatural creatures took advantage of that and used us. Vampires especially." I say

"So... that's the reason you don't talk to anyone at school but yet you are talking to me. This must make me special" He says with a grin

"Oh, yes. Very special Wyatt. But I knew I had to talk to you" I say

"Oh and why was that?" He said with a smirk knowing the answer. I sit up a little to look right at him in the eyes

"Because your my soulmate" I say with a smile

"And your mine" He says moving a piece of my hair behind my ear "It doesn't bother you that I'm a werewolf?"

"No. Does it bother you that I'm a witch?" I asked him

"God, no." He says with a chuckle and kissed my forehead and pulled me back into his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair again, getting me to fall asleep but before the darkness took over me I heard Wyatt tell me

"I'll protect you forever"

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