We Aren't Afraid

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Everything has just been one huge blur. I haven't left my bed since that night after Wyatt took me and Aurora home. She has been going crazy searching for a spell to bring Audrey back from the dead. It doesn't seem real like she's not actually gone but I know that's not true. It should have been me and not her, I should be the one dead and she should be the one breathing but she's not and that's what hurts the most. Wyatt has come to see me and he told me great news that they found the moonstone and I was happy for him because that meant I wasn't going to lose him. Zed and Addison also came by to check on me, I guess you can call us friends now.

"Ariella get up. I FOUND A WAY" Aurora said busting in my room and pulling the sheets right off my body

"Aurora please for the love of God. Stop. Okay, she is gone and we have to except that. So stop because we can't bring her back-" I say but she cut me off

"But we can. We need a huge source of power that would be able to re-generate it's self. There is a spell here and it's simple. We need two or more witches. You and me can do it than we need the person we want to bring back so we need Aubrey body and last we need that huge source and that's the hard part of the spell because no one can find one but we know where one is. The moonstone holds the power of three covens and it's able to re-generate" Aurora said with a proud smile of her face. I have to admit that this could work and we would be getting our sister back. My family.

"What about the wolfs? I don't think they are going to be happy with us using their moonstone that they just got back." I say standing up from my bed that I haven't done in days

"I don't give a flying fuck about the wolfs and what they think or if I hurt their little doggie feelings for using the moonstone. We are bring our sister back tonight" She says and walks out of my room closing the door behind her and than it reopens with her sticking her head back in "Also breakfast is on the table and take a shower. You stink" She add making a gagging noise and then left the room.

So this is it tonight is the night that we will be seeing our sister alive again. The only thing is I don't want to upset Wyatt but I'm sure he will understand why we are doing this. And besides us witches aren't afraid of nothing.


It was now nightfall and we were heading to Zombietown where the moonstone was and Aubrey body was. Once we got there I started to set everything up while Aurora went to get our sister body. After everything was in place, It was time. We put our hand on the moonstone and our other hand pointing to Aubrey. We were about to say the spell but was cut off by the wolfs and the zombies

"What the hell do you witches think you are doing?" Willa asked us

"We are bring our sister back dog" Aurora said

"Aurora, stop that" I say in a whisper. I look over to the pack and the zombies than to Wyatt

"I'm so sorry but we want our sister back and it can be done this way. Please, all we want is for her to be alive again. I should be the one dead not her. She took my place and it's all my fault that she is gone." I say as my voice started to crack. Wyatt step up and but his hand on my cheek and the other one under my chin to look at him. He whip a few tears off with his thumb than started to talk

"It is not your fault. Don't ever say that. Your sister loved you so much the both of them do, that they would do anything for you even if that means dying because that is what families do for one another and that is what your sister did for you Ari" He says and then kisses my forehead "So, go head and use the moonstone" He add and then took a step back to give us more room

"No, you can't be serious Wyatt." Wynter says

"I'm the alpha so what I say goes" Willa says to them all and then turns to me and my sister "Like Wyatt said go head and use the moonstone but we want something in return" She add

"Deal" Me and Aurora say together. We began the spell

"Here our call, here our whispers, we reach out to the one we love. Bring her forth, bring her near, bring her here." Me and Aurora say together. A small wind picked up and than there was a huge gasp and Aubrey shot straight up into a sitting position. She was Alive

 She was Alive

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