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'It will happen' A whispered said in the darkness. I look around to see Aubrey and me and Aurora. Along with people from the coven and the council. I yelled their names but nothing. That's when I saw one of the elders slit Aubrey throat open, I see Aurora and myself screaming and crying for the death of our sister. Then the image changed it was Seabrook but it was Zombieland. I saw these people in these weird blue outfits but I couldn't make out their face. They were looking for something.

'They'll be coming soon. They might kill you all' Another whispered said then showed Wyatt's dead body. 

I woke up screaming and making everything around me shake. "Ariella" Wyatt said busting into the room. He ran towards me and pulled me into his chest.

"It's okay. Your safe. It was just a bad dream." He tells me, kissing my head. But it wasn't a dream and I knew that it was something telling me that something bad was coming here to Seabrook. I shook my head and pulled away so I could look at him 

"It was the Ancestors. It was them. They were telling me things and showing me. They said 'This will happen soon' and it was Aubrey dead. Then they started to show me these people in weird blue outfits but I couldn't make out their faces. They told me 'They'll be here soon. They might kill you all' that's when I saw your dead body." I tell him. Before he could answer. The whole place started to shake once more.

"That wasn't me" I say to him. He grabs my hand and we ran outside with the rest of his pack along with Addison, Zed, Bree, Booze. We had a clear view of Seabrook. We looked and saw Seabrook Power lights flicker like crazy. Then the whole building started to shake, making the whole town as well.

"Yeah, The explosion came from Seabrook power." Zed says 

"They must be testing charges for the demolition tomorrow." Addison said but I think she is wrong something about this feels like magic and strong magic. I can feel it here.

"I don't think so." I say out loud. Some of them gasp just hearing my voice 

"Why?" Zed asked me 

"I can feel it. When the ground shook, I could feel it's power. It's magic and it's strong" I say 

"And how the hell would you know that?" Willa asked 

"Because I'm a witch. We can feel when magic is near or when it's being used. Especially if you are very powerful, you'll know if another witch is practicing magic. Right now, It's being used but something is off about it." I say 

"Seabrook power is the birthplace of zombies" lisa says 

"Little lime soda with some mysterious energy and bang!" Zed says "Zombies" He says that last part closer to Wynter. She snarls at him showing her fangs, making him jump. 'Mysterious energy? If a witch created Zombies I would know. But something that holds the power of witches could. The moonstone!' I thought 

"Nice story, but it doesn't concern us." Willa said. I felt a hand slide down my forearm into my hand. I look down to see Wyatt's hand in mine. Making me look up and just to see him smiling at me already. 

"I believe it does concern you, Willa. If you answer me this, where is the moonstone?" I asked them waiting for an answer 

"It was taken. Years ago by Seabrook settlers after your kind gave it to us basically. We don't know where it is" Wynter said blurting it out. 

"You lost the moonstone?" I said in a furious tone

"Ariella, It was taken from us and we looked for it but never could find it. So we waited for the Great Alpha with the white hair to come to show us the way" Wyatt said running is thumb over my knuckles. White hair? Addison is the Great Alpha? 'I think I know where the moonstone is' I thought. Addison must have thought the same thing I was thinking as well.

"Seabrook power was fueled by mysterious energy source. That could be your moonstone, right?" Addison said 

"She found the moonstone" Wyatt said to Willa "She's amazing" those words left a pity in my stomach and it was jealousy. Wyatt must have realized what he said and how it looked because he turn towards me "But you are amazinger and so beautiful" Kissing my cheek, making me blush hard 

"Thank you love but Addison is right. The moonstone holds the power of three covens and in each coven there is about over 200 hundred witches. It is powerful enough to charge that whole building and everything in Seabrook, along with making a new kind" I say looking at the zombies 

"Wow" Wynter says then looks at me "So....your really a witch. Which by the way that's a lot of people in one coven. Also can you fly? Can you turn people into a cat or a frog?" She says all excited like

"Wynter I'm sure Ariella would be happy to answer your questions but at another time. We'll see you at school tomorrow Addison" Willa said   

"Okay, tomorrow. Big day." She says then turns to leave at this point that's when I noticed the whole new look. The rest follow her, leaving me, Wyatt, and Willa.

"If they destroy that building, it'll will crush the moonstone underneath." Willa said 

"Maybe. Maybe not" I say. Both of them looking at me all confused like.

"Ari what do you mean?" Wyatt asked me still holding my hand

"Before we gave you guys the moonstone. We wanted it to be protected and safe just in case anything happen, so they put up a protection spell on it before handing it off to you guys" I say

"So there is a chance that the moonstone will be fine" Wyatt said. I gave him nod telling it that it will be 

"We can't take that risk" Willa said 

"Addison can help" Wyatt told her

"We don't know that" Willa said snapping at him 

"She's right Wyatt" I tell him and he gave me a serious look 

"Thank you. Even your girlfriend agrees." Willa said pointing at me "Maybe once's she is one of us until then, I lead the pack." Willa said then turns to inside. Me and Wyatt stay right where we are, hearing Willa talk to the rest of the pack

"I should go home" I say to him and I could see the worry and panic in his eyes "Wyatt, my sisters won't let anything happen to me. And how everything went down while I was still there. My sisters and I are probably going to leave the coven for good." I tell him. I hear him sign and moved both of his hands on my cheeks. Resting his forehead to mine 

"I just want you to be safe" He tells me 

"And I will be. I'm a very powerful witch for my age, Wyatt. I also have my sisters to help protect me and most importantly I have you." I say

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