The Coven Is Here

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I wake up with sun shining through my curtains and I could tell something was off, that something wasn't right. I went to bed kind of early after Wyatt left. Aubrey told me and Aurora to head on to bed and that she would clean up everything. I did my morning routine and made my way downstairs to find Aurora making breakfast but no Aubrey.

"Where's Aubrey?" I asked

"I don't know. I went to wake her this morning but she wasn't in her bedroom. I think she went out. Also I think it's best you stay home today after last night with Ruby everything." She tells me after she turned off the stove and placing a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. I shake my head no at her

"No, I want to go to school today. I'll be fine and besides Wyatt will be there and which double the protection for me if anything try's to come at me.' I tell her flashing a smile.

"True. It's just with Ruby said last night and the harvest thing's just I had this dream last was weird. It was the whole coven and they were here in Seabrook, like what Ruby said that they were already coming but I think they are already here. I saw you and Aubrey and that's it but you were in tears and I could see the look on Aubrey face and it wasn't fear or worry but sadness and guilt. I just feel like it's a warning and I just want you to be safe." She tells me and kisses my head. That's when I was starting to worry more and I knew I had to tell her about mine.

"I had the same dream sort of. But in my dream Aubrey died. One of the elders killed her and then it changed to these people in blue outfits but I couldn't see their face. I did hear whispers though and they were telling me things. One was 'It will happen' and the other one was 'They'll be coming soon. They might kill you all' then they showed me Wyatt's dead body and that's when I screamed and woke up. I know it's a warning or a message if you will from the ancestors. I got them after the whole thing with Rudy." I tell her and she looked shocked and I could see the fear and worry in her eyes. Aurora started to pace back and forth, shaking her head no and biting her nails at the same time. She does this for another minute and stops

"Okay, this is what we are going to do. You are going to school and I'm going to do a locator spell on Aubrey and once I find her, we tell her everything that you just told me. We'll do a protection spell on her or hide her so the coven doesn't find her." Aurora said. I grab my bag and head towards the front door but was pushed back as I tried to walk out. 

"Aurora there is a force field" I say turning back to her. She ran over to where I was and did what I did and same results. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Aurora yelled. "New plan. You do the locator spell and I will try to take down this force field"

I grab the map of Seabrook and cut my hand open to draw some blood on to the map and started the spell but next thing I knew I was pushed back. The whole map caught on flames.

 The whole map caught on flames

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"Aurora, what if they already have her?" I asked her already knowing this answer due to what just happen

"This doesn't mean they have her. This could have been Aubrey herself. She doesn't want to be found." She says

"But why wouldn't she want us to find her? Do you think it was her that put up the force field?" I asked

"She is up to something." Aurora said looking through the spell book to undo the spell

Hours had past and it was now nightfall and we still haven't been able to get out. 

"What if she is doing a trade" I said thinking out loud 

"Trade? What do you mean?" Aurora asked looking up 

"The coven wanted me to be in the harvest. What if Aubrey gave herself up willingly taking my place, so instead of me dying, she dies. It would make sense. The dream I had and than you having one in the same night. It was all a warning." I say. Aurora stands up muttering "Oh my god" 

"The harvest is tonight I bet. Aubrey is going to die tonight" I say with my voice shaking 

"WE GOT TO GET OUT" Aurora yelled. 

Another hour had pass and we were finally able to get out. Aurora started running towards Zombie Town and followed right behind her.

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