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Suga- Y/n Would you like to come with me for dinner?

She stood up and spoke.

Y/n -No thank you sir, I am not hungry.
She said while smiling at him.

Suga. - Don't lie , i know you must have skipped your lunch for that meeting.
He said while looking at her with a smile on his face.

Y/n - no I a.....
She got cut off by a growling sound.
Which was coming from her stomach.

Suga - You are not hungry but I think your stomach is .
He said while laughing slightly.

Y/n in her mind. - Stupid stomach why did you make sound huh, look i am so embarrassed now infront of this hot man . If you again do this i won't feed you delicious food. Mind it.

She said while looking at her stomach.

Suga -. Y/n what are you thinking.

Y/N -. I am starving, if I wait here one minute more, i will definitely faint .
She said with a baby face.

Suga - Then what are we waiting for.
Let's go .

With that they both left and went to a restaurant.

Taehyung in his cabin. 8:30

Taehyung - My work has done. I should leave now.
He stood up and about to leave his cabin suddenly his phone started buzzing . He pulled out his phone.

On call.

Taehyung -. Yes Hana .

Hana - i will be late I got stuck in meeting. I have already done my dinner. Please have your dinner in a restaurant today and if you don't want i can ask y/n to make something for you.

Taehyung - No No No No No don't tell that girl to cook anything . I don't want to sleep empty stomach. Please Hana.
He said abruptly.

Hana chuckle at his statement.

Hana -. Ok ok I won't. Bye .

Call end.

Taehyung to himself -. I would love to have my dinner in a restaurant than having food of her hand.

He left the office and went to a restaurant.

In a restaurant.

Suga - what would you like to have
Y/n .

Y/n - Food.
She said with a straight face.

Suga laughed slightly at her word.

Suga -. I mean what type of food.

Y/n - i was joking. Let's order.
She said while smiling at him .

They both order their food. And started having it.

Suga -. So who else are there in your family.

Y/n -. Eomma , Appa , unnie and his rude husband.
She said while munching her food

Suga - Rude .
He said while lifting his eyebrows.

Y/n -. Not only Rude, he is a jerk , brat,
Emotionless , arrogant, . He doesn't even know how to smile. He is such a as.....

She stopped when she realised whom she is telling to.

Y/n in her mind. - Y/n he also works in his company, and he is his friend.

She Looked at Suga and spoke.

Y/n. -. Sir please don't tell him, whatever i told you about him or else he will kick me out of his office.
Please sir.

Complicated Love Story and Relationship( Taehyung FF 💚)Where stories live. Discover now