Not Expected

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Y/n - Happy Birthday kookie.
She said while hugging him.

Jungkook - You remember it cherry.

Y/n - Offcourse kookie  .

Jungkook - It will be my first birthday with you.

Y/n - Yes

They both broke the hug and look at Taehyung who was already looking at them.

Jungkook - Can i take cherry outside for 5 mins .

Taehyung - No.

Jungkook -:We will be back soon.

Taehyung - I said no . Can't you see her wound , she is injured and need to take rest.

Jungkook - Oh sorry, in excitement i forgot. You take rest cherry. We will meet tomorrow at party.

Taehyung - I hope you will celebrate your birthday at your home , not here.

Jungkook chuckle at his statement.

Jungkook - Yes Taehyung i will celebrate it at my house.

Taehyung - By the way Happy Birthday.

Jungkook - Thanks Taehyung.
He said while smiling at him.
He kissed y/n 's forehead and left.

Taehyung - Go and sleep now .
He said and shut the door from behind.

Y/n - Rude , he can't even wish birthday sweetly.

Next night. ( At 8:00) Jungkook birthday.

At Taehyung's home.

Taehyung is already ready waiting for  y/n and Hana to come downstairs.

Jungkook - Hello Taehyung.

Taehyung turn around and saw Jungkook is walking inside the house.

Taehyung turn around and saw Jungkook is walking inside the house

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Taehyung - It's your birthday , you should be there at your house.
What are you doing here.?
He said sternly.

Jungkook - Umm For cherry . I came here pick up her.
He said while rubbing  back of his neck.

Taehyung - I would not left your so called cherry here. I would take her with us.

Jungkook - Yeah i know but i wanted to come . You know i always wa...
He couldn't complete his words

Taehyung - Ok ok no need to tell.

After few minutes Jungkook look at stare and saw Hana is coming down.

After few minutes Jungkook look at stare and saw Hana is coming down

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Complicated Love Story and Relationship( Taehyung FF 💚)Where stories live. Discover now