He was my Past .

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Hana - He - He - He was my Boyfriend.
She said while looking down .

Upon listening to her Jungkook  choked on his food. And started coughing.

Hana - are you  ok.

Jungkook - Yes " cough" yes Hana.

Taehyung - Hana i want to know everything. Only if you are comfortable.

He said while cupping her hand which was resting on the table.

Y/n - Yes unnie please tell us the reason behind marrying to this rude man .

She said while being worried.

But Taehyung didn't say her anything, because he himself wanted to know the reason behind their marriage.

Hana nodded in response.

Hana - It all started when i was in my college final years.  He proposed me. 
We knew each other very well,our comfort, discomfort. We use to care for each other.

Y/n - So much love unnie . why didn't you talk about your love to Appa and eomma.

Hana - I did . I talked about him . They both were agree on it . Butt.

Y/n - But ?

Hana - But one day appa received a call from Taehyung's father. Once he was done talking. He came to me and told me to forget about Jimin.
I ask him the reason of sudden changes in his decision.

Y/n - What he said?

Hana - That i had to marry Taehyung.
Because he was  bound to a promise that he made with Taehyung's father.

Jungkook - Promise?

Hana - Taehyung's father and appa are very good friend since their childhood. When  we were little Taehyung's father told appa that he wants his daughter to get married to his son Taehyung. That day they both made promise. 

Y/n - Why you didn't tell me these things unnie .?

Hana - Because appa told me not to tell you anything
Cause he knew that you were the only person in our family who was capable to stop this marriage. And no one can go against you.

She were looking down while speaking.

Jungkook - That's mean it is a
Forced marriage.

Hana - But I am happy. Because Taehyung is my present and he was my Past.

She said while looking at Jungkook with a bright smile on her face.

Jungkook - I must say Hana , you are very motivated and understanding girl. Forgetting first love is not easy .

Y/n - and what about Jimin , how he reacted when he came to know about your marriage.

Hana - He understood me . He said we will remain as a good friend.
Yesterday was the first time we met after my marriage.

Jungkook - You put a full stop on their love .

Taehyung - If I had known about her love i would never let this marriage happen.
His each and every words showing truth in it

Y/n - If you are happy unnie , i am happy. Your happiness matters the most unnie for me .

She stood up walk over to Hana and hugged Her tightly.

Y/n - I Love you.
She said and kissed her side of her forehead.

Hana - Love you more.

Jungkook - i wa...
He got cutt off.

Complicated Love Story and Relationship( Taehyung FF 💚)Where stories live. Discover now