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Taehyung - We will be staying together in this room.

Y/n - What!!!.

Taehyung - Don't shout.

Y/n - I am not going to stay in one room with you.

Taehyung - Then get lost.

Y/n - Who will want to stay with you.
She spat angrily .

Taehyung - Then don't .

Y/n - I will not come back.

Taehyung - Who wants you.

Y/n - Byeee.
She slammed the door and left.

Taehyung didn't say anything he started unloading his luggage.

At reception.

Y/n - Excuse me.

Receptionist - Yes ma'am.

Y/n - Is there any other hotel near by.

Receptionist - No ma'am . This is the only hotel in this area. There are hotels but it's 100 km far from here.

Y/n - 100km.

Receptionist - Yes ma'am.

Y/n sigh in defeat and left to her room.


Y/ n enter inside the room.

Taehyung - You came so early.

Y/n - Hmm.

Taehyung - Did you get any other hotel. If yes then you may leave from here.

Y/n got it that he is pulling her leg. That's why she ignored him.

Y/n - I am tired.

Taehyung - Go and take shower.


After 1 hour .

Taehyung is sitting on bed using his laptop.

Taehyung - It's been 1 hour still she is taking shower.

Taehyung - Y/n!!!

Y/n - What!!

Taehyung - It's been 1 hour . Come out fast , i have to also take shower.

Y/n - it will take  bit longer.

Taehyung - What!! . Just come out y/n.

Y/n - No!!

After Next 30 minutes.

There was a click sound . Taehyung looked up and saw y/n is coming out of the washroom.

She is wearing bathrobe

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She is wearing bathrobe. Her hair was open and wet.
She walk towards the dressing table.
( Dressing table was opposite to bed , Taehyung can see her full reflection in the mirror)
Drying her hair with the towel.

Complicated Love Story and Relationship( Taehyung FF 💚)Where stories live. Discover now