Chapter 3 - Ant-Rescue

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"My friend's aren't far, in the back of my car. Lay there bodies." - Billie Eilish, bellyache.

Your head was spinning. Loud ringing in your ears echoed through your head, and your stomach lurched. Your eyes fluttered open.

You were handcuffed, and were seated in the back of a musty truck. You looked behind you, to see in horror, Steve and Natasha lying down in the back of the car.

"Don't worry," A raspy voice said. "They're alive. Unconscious."

"What. Did you do?" You spat.

The voice chuckled.

"My name is Baron Zemo," The voice said. "And I've heard great things about you."

"Have you?" You said. "About my sickness?"

"You're sickness is what makes you, you," Zemo said.

"Bullshit," You said. "I could be better."

You reached for a dagger, but noticed all your daggers were gone.

"Zemo," Rumlow said. "We're here."


You were taken to a cold, damp cell in HYDRA. It had a cot, with a metal table and chairs.

You sat on your cot, not saying anything since the car ride.

Your cell door started clanking, and Zemo stood there, HYDRA guards behind him. He stepped inside, and sat down. He motioned for you to sit down in front of him, but you refused.

You stayed in eye contact with him, until he sighed.

"Y/n, you're making this very difficult," Zemo said. "Come here, darling."

You wrinkled your nose, standing up, slowly.

"Where. Is. Steve," You said.

"Steve is in questioning," Zemo said. You slowly walked over to Zemo, than stopped in front of the seat.

"Why?" You said. "Questioning for what? He didn't do anything!"

You banged your fist on the table, making Zemo laugh.

"About you, dear," Zemo said. "About those painkillers. We could give you the life you want."

The life you want.

"You could never," You said, through gritted teeth. Zemo sighed.

He stood up.

"See you later, dear," He said. He left your cell, and you yelled.

You threw the metal table, and screamed.

*Click!* *Flash!*

You looked up at the noise, to see a security camera pointed in your direction.

You scowled.

You sat down on your cot, and noticed an ant, crawling on the ground. Multiple.

Even more.

You lifted your feet, to see a whole bunch of ants, carrying a dagger.

"Hide it" The ants spelled.

You looked up at the security camera, to see a whole bunch of ants covering the camera.

You quickly placed the dagger in your boot, and then waited.

The ants came down from the security camera, and went down to your cell door.

Ants crawled into the locks, unlocking your door.

Bellyache--Steve Rogers x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now