Chapter 4 - Lover Boy

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"Where's my mind? Where's my mind?" -Billie Eilish, bellyache

"Miss Y/n, are you having nightmares?"

You sat in the therapy room, fidgeting with your nails, hair, and tapping your leg on the ground. You were shaking like crazy, and what didn't help, is that Bucky was standing outside the therapy room door, probably listening.

"Miss Y/n, I asked you a question," Dr. Hailee said. "Do you have nightmares-"

"No," You snarled. Dr. Hailee sighed.

"Y/n," She said. "Can you tell me why you're here?"

"Who the hell knows?" You said. "Because of my painkiller problems?"

"Painkiller?" Dr. Hailee said. "That's a problem. A big one."

It helps me," You said. "It makes me feel better after missions. I throw up after missions, refuse to eat, refuse to do anything. So I take a painkiller."

"Y/n," She said. "I can help you."

"I've heard that before," You snorted, leaning back in your chair, tapping your leg and fidgeting with your nails.

"I'm sure you have," Dr. Hailee said. "But was it professional help that told you that?"

You thought for a moment, snarling.

"No," You said.

"So you should know it's a lie," Dr. Hailee said. "People who aren't professionals can barley help."

You thought about Steve. Was he a help? Or was it Tony?

"I guess," You said.

"We're done for today," Dr. Hailee said. "See you in a few days."

You walked out of the therapy room, Bucky standing up from the waiting room.

"You okay doll?" He asked. 

"I'm fine," You said. 

He lead you to the car, and you hopped into the passenger seat.

"Y/n," Bucky said. "We-"

"I swear to God Buck, if you say you guys are worried for me, I'm gonna rip your metal arm off you," You said. 

Bucky sighed, turning the car wheel.

"I'm sorry," He said. "Steve is the most worried out of all of us."

"Why should he be?" You asked. "It's me, not him. He should stay out of this."

"Y/n," Bucky said. "He cares for you. Like all of us, he'd do anything for you."

"Anything?" You repeated. "Well then, he should tell Tony to leave me alone!"

"Y/N!" Bucky yelled, slamming on the car brakes, first pulling over then looked at you. "We are worried for you! Your skinny as hell, you could die. Steve will never forgive Tony if that happens!"

"Why is this about Steve?" You argued. "'Steve's so worried!' 'Steve will do anything for you!' Just leave him the fuck out of this, Buck!"

"Y/n can't you see why he's doing this?" Bucky yelled.

"No, actually!" You said. "Or maybe I just don't want to!"

"Steve is in love with you, Y/n!" 


"Wha-what?" You said. You turned your gaze away from him, and out the window. The outline of the Avenger's compound gate was in view. 

"Y/n, listen to me," Bucky said.

Bellyache--Steve Rogers x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now