Chapter 13 - Home

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You were still drenched when Clint landed the Quinjet.

You sighed, leaning back, as Natasha and Bucky took the hospital beds into the hospital wing.

Dr. Helen Cho took care of you guys, treating your wounds.

"What happened?" She asked you. Your mind was fuzzy.

"I-I don't remember," You said. You held up your hand letting a blue glow fizz around your hand.

She nodded, putting a damp cloth on your forehead.

You leaned back.

"This is absurd," You said. "I'm not as bad as Steve, but he gets discharged before me?"

"We need to run blood tests for you," Cho said, sticking a needle into your arm, making you wince. "Sorry."

She wrapped your arm with a bandaid, leaving the room. She revealed Steve, who was leaning against the doorframe.

He had a bruise on his cheek, and a scar on the side of his forehead.

"Hey Steve," I said, quietly, smiling.

"Hey sweets," He said, walking towards you, sitting on the side of the bed. He grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles.

"How are you?" You whispered. 

"I could be better," He said. He leaned in, kissing your forehead. "Bucky saved your life."

"He did?" You asked, tilting your head. To be honest, you didn't even remember being in the lake. Except the sounds of screams.

"He dove into the lake, hauling you out," Steve said. "I couldn't."

You caressed his cheek with your thumb.

"It's not your fault," You said. "You couldn't do it."

He looked at the ground, then at you. 

"Bucky cares for you," Steve said.

"I've noticed that," I said, laughing.

My eyes filled with terror.

"Y/n?" Steve said. "What's happening?"

"Who are you?" You whispered.'t...breathe...

"Y/n?" Steve said. "Talk to me."

"Voice," I said. "It's back. Says it needs help."


"Where are you?" I said.

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"Y/n!" Tony said, walking into the room. "We found Wanda!"

"Oh thank god!" You said, Steve wrapping his arms around you.

Dr. Cho discharged you, and you got dressed and headed towards the room with all the tracking monitors. You huddled around Natasha.

Bucky gave you a hug.

"Glad you're doing okay," He said.

"Thank you, soldier," You said, making him chuckle.

Steve pulled you into him, kissing you.

Bottom of't...breathe...

You winced.

"Where's Wanda?" You asked.

"Well..." Natasha said. "She's at the bottom of the lake."


Bellyache--Steve Rogers x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now