Chapter 12 - Water

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Bucky's POV

"Y/n!" I yelled. I watched as she screamed, and her body gave out, sinking her into the water.

"Buck! Get her!" Steve shouted.

"I can't!" I said.

"Why not?" Steve yelled. "Get my gal!"

"You get her!" I yelled.

"I'm not injured," Steve said, sadly. He leaned back, groaning. 

I fumbled with the radio.

"Romanoff!" I hissed.

"Barnes?" The radio crackled.

"Come here and get Steve," I said. "Y/n is in the lake, I need to get her out."

"How deep is the lake?" Natasha asked. 

"50 feet maybe," I said. "I can take it. Come get Steve."

"On our way," Natasha said.

"You'll be okay, Stevie?" I asked.

"Mhm..." Steve grumbled. I sighed, then waded into the lake.

I looked into the sky, my brown locks stuck in my face. My chest heaved.

I took a deep breath, then sunk under the water.

Screams erupted my ears, making me scream under the water.

It was frightening, torturing screams. 

35 feet deep, my breath almost gave out.

I saw a bright blue flash underneath me, and another scream.

It made me swim deeper.

I saw Y/n, thrashing around. She couldn't control something.

Then her body went limp. 

I reached for her, grabbing her hand, and pulling her body towards mine.

I swam as fast as I could to the surface, and gasped for air.

"BARNES!" Natasha yelled. She was healing Steve, the Quinjet behind her.

"I've got Y/n," I gasped. I swam to Natasha, hauling myself and Y/n out of the lake.

"She's alive," Natasha said.

"Where's Wanda?" I asked. 

"We couldn't track her," Natasha reported. "We sent Thor, Loki, and Bruce out."

"Where are they now?" I asked.

"Somewhere a few miles out," Natasha said. "Someone get Y/n aid!"

"Y/n..." Steve breathed. 

"Shh, Steve," Natasha said. "Y/n will be okay. Breathe for me."

"It hurts," Steve said.

"It's okay, shh, it'll be over," Natasha said, patting his wounds.

"We need to get him inside," Tony said. "Troops are headed our way. We need to pick up the other gang."

I helped Natasha haul Steve and Y/n into the medical beds in the Quinjet.

Clint took off, tracking the other group.

There was a grumble.

I turned around quickly, to see Y/n's eyes.

"Y/n," I said, walking to her.

"Hey bestie," She said, coughing up water. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. She looked away, her eyes widening.

"Where's Wanda?" She asked. I looked down. "Bucky. Where. Is. Wanda?"

"We couldn't save her," I whispered. 

"Where's Steve?" 

"Right there," I said, nodding my head next to her.

"Did I do that?" She asked, pointing at his wounds.

"No," I said. She searched my face expression, then nodded. She must've read my emotions.

She rested back in the medical bed, closing her eyes.

"No Time To Die," She whispered.

Bellyache--Steve Rogers x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now