Chapter 8 - Strange

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"Maybe it's in the gutter. Where I left my lover." -Billie Eilish, bellyache

"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange," You heard. "Y/n's uncle."

You lifted your head, to see a sorcerer standing at a doorway.

Tony was looking at him.

"I'll need verification," Tony said.

"I knew her mother," Dr. Strange said. 

"What was her name then?" Tony said, tilting his head.

"Rosa," Dr. Strange said. Tony nodded.

You groaned, leaning back on a metal chair.

You were wearing a blue suit, metal collar around your neck, and a gag.

"Mmfh!" You said.

"Y/n needs to get out of here," Dr. Strange said. "That wasn't her fault."

"If it wasn't her fault, why'd she do it?" Tony asked.

"Oh, Tony!" The voice of your lover said. "It wasn't her. She was scared."

"Let her speak," Dr. Strange said, waving a hand. The gag on your mouth was removed, and you gasped for air.

Don't ask questions. You don't wanna know.

You squeezed your eyes, the voice erupting in your head again.

You screamed, as a ringing in your ear grew louder.

"Y/n! Calm down!" Steve said.

"Voice..." You said. "It's back."

"What voice?" Dr. Strange asked.

"Dr. Strange, I-"

"Please," Dr. Strange said. "Call me Uncle Strange." He smiled proudly.

"Uncle Strange," You said. "There's been this voice inside my head. And...King T'Chaka, King Odin, and Prince T'Challa. All in a room."

"Ah, the safe room," Dr. Strange said. "Yes, you are gifted, little one."

"Painkiller," You muttered. "Tony, get me my bottle!"

"What?" Tony said. "No!"

"Yes," You said. "It'll help me."

The friends I had to bury. They keep me up at night.

Your breath quickened. 

"Get. Me. My. Bottle!" You shouted. Dr. Strange covered your mouth with the gag, making you gag.

You screamed into your gag.

"Tony!" Steve yelled. 

Count my cards watch them fall...blood on a marble wall. I like the way they all scream.

Steve ran towards you, but Uncle Strange blocked him off with an orange force-field.

The ringing in your ear got louder and louder. 

Your screams filled the room.

Steve begged for him to see you.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Steve cried. "I'm so sorry."




The gag at your mouth was gone, so was your chair.

You were wearing all white.

My lucifer is lonely

The voice almost sounded like it was in the room. You spun around, still to see nothing, but yourself.

The room was a mirror.

Wasn't my decision. To be abused. 

You sat down, in front of the mirror. 

You placed your hand on it, closing your eyes.

You concentrated, and the blue glow fizzed around your hand.

You placed it against the mirror, hoping to feel some emotion.

Jealousy. Madness. Hatred.

"I feel you," You whispered. 

You took everything from me.

You opened your eyes, tilting your head.

"And how'd I do that?" You asked. 

The Avengers care for you. Not. Me. 

"Maybe you should leave," You said. "Before I get to mean."

I'm watching you, Y/n.

Ringing in your ears, causing you to yell. 


Gag removed, straps removed, you fell out of your chair, rolling on the ground in pain and fright.

You started shaking, suddenly having an urge to throw up. 

Arms pulled you into a warm body, your lover kissing you on the head.

"I'm here Y/n," Steve said. "Shh. It's okay."

Uncle Strange looked at you with fear.

"What. Did you see." He said, not even a question.

"The voice was there with me," You said. "I could feel their emotions."

Steve hugged you tighter. 

"The voice is an Avenger," You whispered, eyes widening.

"WHAT?!" Steve yelled, dropping the hug.

"That's what it said!" You said. "It said, 'The Avengers care for you. Not me.'"

"That's absurd," Tony said.

"Take me home," You cried. "I can't do this."

Your eyes fluttered close, and felt arms hold you once again.

Bellyache--Steve Rogers x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now