Chapter 23

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Steve was waiting for everyone on the rooftop. Everyone except Natasha because she was the main subject of this discussion. Finally, everyone in the gang had arrived.

"You should stop telling us to meet you up here, Rogers" Tony complained

"You should work out more, Stark because it is clear that you almost had a heart attack from climbing stairs" Steve shot back and everyone laughed so hard.

Tony muttered something that no one could catch. Steve didn't mind and got straight to the point.

"It will be Nat's birthday in a week. I think we should throw her a party. What do you guys think?"

"Throwing a party right here" Clint suggested "She loves this place"

"What about the bar?"

"Nay, we spend almost every day at the bar. It won't be so special" Thor said

"Should we invite anyone or just us?" Maria asked

"The whole dorm" Tony suggested "Or the Captain wants only cool people to join in"

Steve frowned "Phil, invite everyone in the dorm but keep the weird ones away, okay? Tell them to keep it a secret too"

"You got it, Steve" Phil said and noted down.

"Pepper and I will take care of the alcohol and decorations" Tony volunteered

"Darcy and I will take care of the music" Clint told

"Me and Bruce will take care of the cake" Maria said

"The rest of us will make sure we have enough food and snacks" Thor boomed

"What about me?" Steve asked

"Rogers, you have to most important task of us all." Tony said "You have to distract little Red for us the whole day"


Steve had been thinking about the distraction plan for a day now. He had to come up with a perfect and subtle plan that his little Red would not know what he was doing.

He asked Jane for some help and the girl was a real genius when it came to help him with finding the right thing to distract Natasha. Jane gave him a wild suggestion but Steve could grab some of the idea to plan a perfect distraction.

The day of Natasha's birthday had arrived and Steve got up way earlier than usual. He had something to pick up before he went to her room. Steve made sure he was wearing the best clothes he had. Everything had to be perfect even it was just a distraction.

The Captain slammed his fist on her door to let her know it was him with his signature rhythm. The door swung opened a minute later and his little Red was fully dressed. He gotta say that she really does dress to impress.

"Wow, Nat. You're absolutely beautiful" He said while his blue eyes roamed all over her body.

"Thank you, Steve" She tugged her red curl behind her ear. Now that her hair was long and she applied some curliness too.

She is absolutely beautiful indeed

"I got this for you, beautiful" He said as he presented her with a vase of roses. "Happy Birthday, Nat"

Her green eyes widened and accepted the vase.

"Thank you but how did you know that I like roses?"

"It…just a lucky guess"

"Well, you guessed right, Mister" She said and hugged on the vase before taking a whiff of the roses.

She was smiling as she put the vase in her bedroom. Steve smiled too because what makes her happy makes him happy too. Actually, he didn't guess her favorite flower. He punched the answer out of Matt Murdock, her ex-boyfriend who he still had not forgiven the bastard from breaking her heart.

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