Chapter 28

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The gang came back to the university one day before the new semester start. Steve and Natasha ride in his brand new Lamborghini. Tony and Clint told everyone about Steve and Natasha kissed under the mistletoe to everyone who wasn't there with them.

Darcy and Jane were squealing in excitement. Pepper and Maria just exchanged the look of disapproval. Thor hugged the Captain and little red tightly.

"This is a very magnificent news! Let's celebrate!"

Every girl in Howard Hall could clearly see how close Natasha and Steve have become and they didn't like it when the Captain paid all of his attention to this new girl.

Sharon Carter to be particular. The girl was so sure that she and Steve had a special connection. He gave her more privileges than the others. But since she got dumped by him and he was with this new girl. She had to take him back, take the old Steve Rogers back.

"Hey, Romanoff" Sharon called the redhead when she saw her in the hallway.

Natasha turned to face with the blonde girl who used to be Steve's sex partner.

"What's up, Carter?"


"Stay away from my Steve!"

"Uh oh" Clint exclaimed

"This is not good" Tony agreed.

Clint was trying to hold Natasha back but the redhead just shrugged his hand off and fisted her hand.

"Come on, Romanoff. Slap me back and show who you really are" Sharon challenged "So Steve could see that you're not different than any of the girls he once had"

"I DON'T BITCH SLAP, I KICK ASS!" Nat bellowed and proceeded to use her martial art skill on Sharon Carter who regrets her life decision of messing with Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha punched Sharon and gave her a very nice black eye. Clint and Tony just cheered and chanted while Pepper put her hand at her mouth. Bruce watched the fight in shock.

"Go, red!" Tony shouted

"Go, Russia!" Clint said

"I'm not Steve Rogers' girlfriend. And it's not my fault if he wants to be with his friend not one of his stupid one night!"

"Get off me, bitch!" Sharon yelled and tried to shriek herself away from Natasha's grip.

Natasha held Sharon down on the floor with herself sitting on Sharon's back, twisting her arm behind. Natasha bent down before said,

"If you try anything like this again, you will not be able to use your arms for a couple months. And for the record, Steve doesn't feel anything for you. He just wants you for sex so stop dreaming, Carter"

Natasha let go off Sharon arm and got up. Clint and Tony gave her a thumbs up while Pepper and Bruce still shock.

"Wait until Steve knows about this" Clint said "Carter will reduce to ashes"

"Don't tell him anything unless you want to see her dead" Pepper disagreed "Steve will kill Carter for hurting Natasha"

"I gotta agree with Pepper" Bruce said.

"But he gotta notice the red burn on your cheek"

"There is something call makeup, dude" Natasha replied "Don't tell Steve a thing, okay?"



Steve had done a lot of thinking after he came back from the winter break. Two of those things were that he should or shouldn't ask his little red out and her relationship with Clint Barton. He's not blind. He could perfectly see how close they were and how she was so relaxed around that guy.

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