Chapter 61

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"How the hell did two of the most brilliant mind in this university can't find any evidence to prove Rogers' innocent?" Tony muttered as he threw his StarkPad across his couch.

"Maybe we didn't look hard enough." Bruce spoke up as he took his eyes away from the computer, "We should think outside the box."

"Bruce, you know me better than anyone and you should know that I always think outside of the box."

"Maybe too much outside the box that you need to immediately get back inside the box right now!" Pepper said as she starred at the whiteboard that they had put everything on it. The clue, the evidence, the list of what they should do next, and everything seemed not to relate to one another.

"I'm so lost at this." Pepper muttered, "How could someone possibly as dump as Rumlow could possibly cover all of this up?"

"I think he might get help from someone else." Bruce told "Someone we might not get suspicion."

"Who could possibly out smart us all?" Tony narrowed his eyes at the thought that someone might smarter than him.

The trio got back to thinking and hacking their way to find whatever evidence they could find.

At the other side of the campus, Clint, Darcy and Maria were asking around, trying to find any witnessed to Phil's beat up and maybe Steve's set up. They got nothing again. Clint sat down on the ground and let of a sigh of frustration.

"Maybe we ask the wrong person."

"Maybe we are." Darcy agreed.

"Where did Tasha said they found steroid?" Maria asked.

"At the stadium. Why?"

"We should ask the janitor who take care of the locker room, you know." Maria replied

Clint immediately black flip himself up and made Darcy muttered 'show off'. Maria led them to the janitor break room where they found almost everyone in there.

"Hello, we are friends of Steve Rogers and we would like to ask you something about the locker room." Maria told, "This might help him from being expel and banned from football for the rest of his life."

"What do you want to ask, dear?" An old black man asked

"Don't help her! That little shit should get expel." The younger man said. "He brought like six girls inside that locker room and screwed around with them. This university will be a better place without him. He and his football friends are the worst person I ever met."

"He's a changed man now." Darcy said "Please help us."

The younger man huffed but the old man got up and led them out of the break room.

"What do you want to know?"

"After the football season ended, does anyone has access to the locker room?" Maria asked.

"No one. The locker will be seal off after each football season end. The only group of people who have access are Coach Fury and the janitor team who have a key to the locker room."

"Is there another way around to get inside there?" Clint asked

"No, there is only one way in, one way out unless you climb the vent system or…."

"Or…" Darcy prompted

"One of my janitors lose his key to the locker room a couple weeks ago."

"So someone might actually got in there."

"Yes, someone else who stole that key could access the locker room."

"Can you help us with the hearing and be the witness for our friend? It could help him with his case a lot."

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