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Y/n desperately didn't want to go to school the next morning, she wanted to avoid Eddie at all costs, along with Jason. Eddie hadn't tried to call last night, but Jason did. Y/n had answered it hoping it would be Eddie, but it wasn't. She ended up staying on the phone with Jason for an hour, and all it was, was him ranting about how great Steve was and how he couldn't wait for their date.

The teen had gone silent for so long, that Jason hung up assuming that she had fallen asleep. Once he had hung up, Y/n had never slammed her phone down so hard.

"Fuck sake." Y/n mumbled as she dragged her hand down her face, she didn't understand why Eddie hadn't called or met up with her.

Y/n searched her mind for any reason that Eddie could be mad at her, and then she realized something. He saw her talking with Jason at lunch, and her jaw fell. Eddie hated Jason with a passion, he hated everyone on the basketball team except for Lucas considering he was in Hellfire. Quickly Y/n grabbed the phone, and dialed Eddie's number.

It rang once, twice, three times, four times, and then there was a click. He answered. Y/n felt a wave of relief, and her heart went a million miles an hour.

"Hello?" Eddie's voice drawled, sounding tired and stoned.

"Eddie." Y/n breathed in relief, "Oh thank god you answered."

"What do you want?" Eddie questioned in a slightly annoyed tone, his words slightly slurred. Which made Y/n assumed that he was either drunk or high, maybe even both.

The tone hit Y/n hard in the heart "Hey, you okay?" She asked worriedly, her voice small and timid "You didn't show up at the bench, and I got worried."

"So? Thought you'd be with Carver, since you two were buddy buddy at lunch." Eddie scoffed, the sound of him taking a bong hit could be heard on the other end.

"Eddie, did it seriously look like wanted to talk with that prick?" Y/n questioned, "He was talking about Steve the entire time, and wants me to go on a date with him so he can hang with my brother."

"Did you say yes to the date?"

"What if I told you I accidentally did?" Y/n said wincing, "BUT, BUT, hear me out." She begged.

"Y/n......" Eddie said seeming like he was trailing off, "What the fuck?"

"Okay, to be completely honest I wasn't evem paying attention." Y/n said, "Honestly, I was too busy looking over at you....." She winced.

Eddie was silent. And Y/n began to get worried, at this point she could only hear his breathing. She bit her bottom lip, and started chewing her nails. Was this a confession? Was she actually just confessing to him?? No there's no way he'd take it that way, or even like her back.

"Ed's?" Y/n questioned worriedly, "You okay?"

"So you're telling me, that you, Y/n Harrington, you were too busy starting at me?" Eddie questioned seeming like he was in disbelief.

Y/n gulped "Uhm, yeah...." She whispered.

Eddie chuckled deeply and there was a sound of him setting something down "And why were you staring at me?" He inquired.

"Uhm....uhm, do I have to answer?" Y/n grumbled her face heating up at the tone of his voice.

"Do you wanna answer." Eddie questioned, "I'm not gonan force you to answer anything if you don't want, Princess."

Y/n gulped "Uhm...maybe some other time, okay Ed's?" She asked.

Eddie chuckled "Fine, fine, if you insist m'lady." He said.

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