Chapter 1

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Hawkins, Indiana. October 10th, 1984.

The sky turned many shades of colors on our drive over there. It shaped the rest of my evening into the night.

I, seated down on the driver side of the car. Behind the big driver. With a comb mustache and stubble, the man peeked at me through the rear view mirror. Thinking I didn't notice.

He attempted to spark a conversation "You okay, kid?"
He nodded in understanding about how I didn't want to talk

Chief of police, Hopper, is driving me to my new foster home. Anxious and nervous are words not appropriate for the scene. In fact I don't think most words are comfortable to describe this one.

I then scoop up my bag of my belongings and hold it, folded in my arms. I then cherished the view outside my window, taking in the trees and forest unknown to me.

I keep thinking and thinking. Not about anything specific, just about things. It felt like it's taking longer than I expected. To get to the new place, I mean.

"Is anyone in that head of yours? By this time, I'm not sure anymore."
The beefcake turned around in his seat and tried again to talk to me.

I just shrugged my shoulders. I don't know seemed to be my answer to a lot of things. And it's true, I don't know.

It was by this time I had known the car had stopped.
"Why've we stopped?" I questioned his strategy, or even wondered if he was okay in the head.

A big trailer park surrounded us.
Looking around I muttered to myself "I just know they do drugs."

Beefcake put his legs out of the car first and slid out of his seat. He proceeded to walk on the other side of the car and knock on the door of a run down house. I then dropped my bag in the spot and climbed to the passenger seat and watched him talk with an older man.

Beefcake walked the older man to me. I turned to my left and lurched for my bag then sat it in my lap. Next I moved my arms toward the visor mirror to fix my hair. But before I could pull it down the door opens.

"I didn't do it, Officer!" I yelled, putting my hands in a defensive position.

The older man just chuckled and Beefcake smiles. But I knew it wasn't that funny.

He gently grabs my arm and I get out of the seat. He lets go and I turn around to put the bag over my shoulders. I turn back.

The cold man introduces himself, "Hi there, sweetheart. I'm Wayne, you'll meet Eddie, my nephew, as soon as we head inside."

"Bye, kiddo. See ya around." Beefcake states his goodbye, starts his car, and leaves.
'No, I had just gotten comfortable with you. Dammit!' I stare at the disappearing truck somehow expecting him to turn around and pick me up.

The only thing illuminating Mr. Wayne is a porch light. I spin around and walk toward him before he calls me.

He opens the door and it responds with a small squeak. After we both step inside he turns to the left and I follow his motion. Mr. Wayne calls for Eddie. A teen with a leather jacket, plain white t, and dark blue jeans steps out of the far room. He responds with a determined "Yup!" And walks out of the room, leaving the door wide open.

I peer off to the side of him and spot a twin sized bed tucked in the corner with a shiny electric guitar right off to the right of it.

I snap back once Eddie introduces himself.
"Oh, erm... I'm Y/N." 'Nice going, dingus.'

"If there is anything you wanna ask about Hawkins or us, just ask me. I know everything about this town..." Eddie's voice was being tuned out by my anxiousness. "Hey, you good?" He held my shoulder and squatted down, looking up at me.

Mr. Wayne leaves us and walks into the kitchen. Alone are Eddie and I. He leads me toward the room with the shiny guitar. He points to the bed in front of the door and claims it as mine, the other his.

His slumps back in his and I barely sit on mine, facing his, but staring at my feet.

"You could've taken your shoes off at the door y'know." I set the bag down gently on the bed, walk over to the door, and push them off. The mustard yellow Converse brand high tops leaving my ankles.

I look out the window next to said door and saw how dark it was. Wondering what time it was I looked at the analog clock in the living room. "It's 9?" I muttered.

"What's that?" Mr. Wayne said.
"Oh, I was wondering what time it was, I should head to bed soon." I gave him a small smile and bee-lined it back to the room.

"Took you five years to get back, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Do you have somewhere to change?"

He then points to the bathroom behind him towards the end of his bed. "Right in there."
I then thank him, grab my bag and head in the room.

After I've used the bathroom with a small routine. I head out in my pj's.

"Okay, you should remind me you go last in the bathroom from now on. You kinda took too long." He spoke with a small laugh.
"Oh, okay." Bag in my hand, head down, and small smile on my face. I didn't take any offense to it because I understood and it didn't bug me about how I did things.

I started to get comfortable in the bed provided for me, and Eddie came out in his pj's. He turned off the light and wished me comfortable dreams. "Hmm, goodnight."

Words: 993

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