Chapter 4

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It was Will. The kid I sat next to in class.

"Hi, May I sit here?" He asked while unloaded his backpack off of his shoulders. I didn't confirm if he could before he started to talk again. "I introduced you to the others, they didn't want to come over though." He sat down and pointed his thumb behind him. A trio of boys glaring at me before turning away.

"Why'd you sit here?" I gently asked. 'Why worry about me?'
"I figured, well since you're new and all. You might need a friend." An adorable smile adorned his face.

"So you have Science next? I hope you do. You might sit next to me again." Yet another smile accompanied by a snicker of cuteness.

I was brought back when a kid with no sense of style came up to us and started on and on about how Will was zombie boy. 'Honestly his shitwad is getting on my nerves.' My heart was beating so fast and hard. It sounded like an intense drum major trying intensely to get an A+ on his rhythm test.

I stood up, purely out of courage and genuine fear. "Stop. Stop calling him that. Why're you bullying him."

"Oho, you don't know how Zombie Boy got his name, do you? He went missing, drowned, and was dead. Everyone had a funeral and everything." Man, did he whined a lot. "Then, he all of a sudden shows up, alive."

This kid was dead set in making him feel less than he was. "I feel like you don't get enough attention at home." I said.

"What?" He acted like he didn't get my response.

"I feel as if your daddy and mommy don't spend enough time with you, so you have to get your attention elsewhere. And if you're expecting it from here you are not getting it from bullying someone who deserves the attention, especially after dying." I sat down, acting like I was unamused. Inside I was terrified and choking on my heart. 'But why?'

"I hope you see faerie land soon, Byers." He scoffed and turned his back away from us.

I couldn't help but feel anger, and see a burning red. My vision blurred as I stood. My breathing felt compressed, and my heart stopped. I grabbed his shoulder, with my left hand, to turn him around. Letting him go, swinging back with my right. And my right collections of bones, flesh, and tendons connected to his infuriating brow.

I couldn't remember more as he fell to the ground. It felt like a horrible dream. Like one you couldn't remember but you understand you were a bad person.

The trio of friends made their way over to his limp body and looked down. He groaned several times as he came to and held his palm on the part of his head I had hit. Just above and around the eye on his right. I looked down with the trio.

I had to back away and grimace at the actions I had done.

"MS. DAVIS!" A large aghast voice echoed across the cafeteria from the double doors every student had entered through. A teacher or administrator, perhaps.

"Welp, now you did it. You did the damn thing." A kid from the trio whispered as he put his left arm on my shoulder. He had curly hair. At least, it was the only noticeable feature I could remember.

And now I sat, inside the assistant principal's office. Wallowing in my shame and sulking down in this very uncomfortable chair. A multitude of poorly wrapped gauze on my right fist knuckles. Alongside Eddie who was listening to everything that happened according to another stranger students point of view.

I turned and looked at him. He didn't look back. In fact he didn't look back when we left the office and students were gawking at me in the halls. He didn't look back when we buckled and he revved the van. He didn't look back when we passed through threshold of the trailer. I sulked the entire way. Letting yet another person down.

He stopped at the kitchen, and me assuming he was getting something I started to make my way to the bedroom.

"What made you do it?" 'I thought he just heard the whole thing?'

"What? I thought you just heard the whole thing?"

"Yeah, but not from your view. What actually happened?" He sat down in the left corner of the small corner, criss-cross, and hands in his lap.

I decided to move over to the right corner, backpack and all. I slumped and took a deep breath. "He made fun of a new friend I made."

"Hey, you did the right thing, and apparently the assistant principal thinks so too. Cause you're not suspended or expelled or anything." He chuckled. I could only uncomfortably do it back.

I stopped and looked down at my knuckles. Rubbing them trying to get them to stop, it only hurt more but I couldn't stop. I wanted the pain on my hand to stop. Continuing to rub aggressively more and more.

"Hey, do you want a new wrap? I bet it'll make it feel better. The school has some endless supply of this itchy shit." He intervened and grabbed ahold of it. He gently unwrapped it and told me to stay, he'll only take a few.

He did as he said and only took a few minutes. The amusement of him running around the trailer, opening every drawer, and finding a new gauze.

A few hours later Eddie had picked up Wayne and had told him what had happened on the way back. I was peacefully watching The Blue Bird. I was at the angel scene and crying when they opened the door. I turned around to look at them through my salty tears and snot filled nose.

They, both confused, brought in buckets of KFC for dinner. I shut the television off and wiped my face. Making my way to the counter.

I still had school tomorrow.

Words: 1016

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